# This is a living document - delete things when done. Avoid discussion. ## Needs implementation ### Current version (Cataract Creek) - allow passing objects to functions by reference is requested - add [] as size-of-array - replace [foo::] declaration of array with [] - fix all main() calls - ensure all param passing and value return is handled correctly - remove all UNTESTED - revise all commentary - blog post - release ### Next Version (Govetts Creek) - int nat cyc {i,n,c}{8,16,32,64} - maybe not cyc - it needs size. - ops: # & | ~ &~ - no shift: use (N * #shift) or (N / #shift) - op= - enum, with multi-valued names. enum foo { yes, no, many(10) } bar:foo=.yes; if bar == .no... if ?bar.many: print bar.many, "items" Maybe .true and .false for Boolean - change use/case labels to create a local enum if no type is evident. - set, with bool or int members. set foo { pinned, memalloc, priority(4) } bar:foo = .memalloc | .priority(2). if bar.pinned: bar.priority += 1 . array slices - references to arrays "foo: []bar" - array access to read bytes from strings. How to get length? "?string[4]" ?? array[] gets length?? - revise all commentary - blog post - release ### Subsequent version - 'return' statement similar to 'use', but only valid a function context - 'return' can take no value when function has inline/transparent return value - simple methods. Define "func type.name...." and the name will only be visible within namespace for type. - optional args for functions - if value given - named args? Needs to look like manifest structs - array args - last parameter can collect all remaining as array if attribute 'open' do I need attribute? Can anything be type compatible with both X and []X ?? - initial values for return parameters - convert between string and array-of-cyc8 - float64 float32 - transparent fields, parameters which are structs or pointers - transparent fields which are arrays - transparent results from functions to have same effect as inline-results - manifest values for records: [.foo = a, .bar = b] - manifest values for arrays: [expr = expr, ...] - constant structure definitions - const structures can inherit from another, and update select fields. - 'use' labels *must* appear in case statements. - 'then' can extend a case section into some other. ## Needs Design - exactly where does auto enref/deref happen? .foo modifier does auto-deref (args) modifier does auto-deref (if that makes sense) assignments does auto-enref function parameter passing does auto enref and auto deref general operators? Not comparison. Not test. Probably not anything. - can "A if B else C" have "A" and "C" be different - one a ref and one not? This might make sense if a ref was wanted - an lvalue is then accepted. - ? modifier for type makes "no such value" an option, detected by '?' operator - $ operator to convert to ?number from ... ref? enum? ?$"hello" can test if the conversion would work. '$foo ?? default' provides a default value - a suffix on a number/string can provide soft typing which is interpreted in type context. Must like .enumvalue is interpreted only the context of expected type, '43i' would only be meaningful in the same context. - const arrays that are initialized incrementally throughout the code, and post-processed at compile-time, e.g. to sort or derive LR tables. Maybe even across modules. Need a syntax Maybe 'const' can be followed by name of a const which forms the namespace. So a struct bar containing x and y could be initialized const foo::bar x ::= 1; y::=2 Then an array could be extended with [+] const ra[+] x::=2 ... The syntax needs to be clearly different from const a::num=1; b::=2 if that is still allowed Maybe the '=' is enough to differentiate - IN and OUT should not be completely ignored when not expected. As well as causing NEWLINE to be ignored, there should be some balance requirement. Some productions should be required to be balanced. Lists should not have gratuitous indents. Revisit everything I considered before, but now consider it only for ignore IN/OUT. - "debug" code that can be compiled out. For code, "if debug" is enough if the const can be set easily. For structure members a 'debugonly' attribute needs to be handled. Of course 'debug' is multifaceted. We might want tracing, consistency, profiling, etc. - union types - how do I want to support these? inheritance with variance? - lambda - 'error' value for various types. NIL for pointer NaN for float, extra flag bit for integers. -MAX_INT ?? - enum as array index. foo:[:enum]int. foo[.baz] = 23 - init_only fields - const fields in structs: like const, but in 'type' namespace, not 'module' - 'borrowed' and 'owned' attributes for pointers. .free method - interfaces - list of methods that must be defined - standard interfaces to access operations: group, field, binary, logical - modules - exported names in versions, and import lists on types, fields, constants, etc - foreach variable-list := make_generator() do A generator has 'first', 'next' and 'finally' methods 'first' and 'next' return the same type which is conditional ('?' works) 'finally' returns some other type - possibly Tnone - which goes to a set of case at end of loop - attributes for fields and local variables transparent - names inside can be accessed directly handled - accesses convert to function calls?? constant - compile time constant - not stored stable - ?? add-only - ?? like append-only. read-only - set early never changed? mutable owned - Can be borrowed and freed borrowed - There is somewhere this is borrowed from dependant - ??? pure - definitely not an error endian(big,small,pdp) attributes for whole struct unsorted - fields appear as written packed - like unsorted, but no gaps permitted. - lambda functions for passing as arg to function. Are these always there to provide an interface for a value? Do I want a syntax for functions that just provides a value func (a:number; b:string):number = a+b[] - units for numbers - iso suffixes for number? - static variables. Easy to implement, but need a syntax. Something really loud. - concurrency implicit and explict reference attributes for locks and refcounts etc RCU - do/go/run/fork/async complex statement All local variables accessed in the body are read-only and copied to a new frame, and code is run in a new thread. Thread is mostly invisible. It interacts through shared objects, particularly the caller might create a channel and the thread might send messages on it. Any interesting handshakes are mediated by appropriate data structures. - arbitrary value asserts tied to variable attributes. e.g. ranges for value and relationships between fields These are tested by compiler at any changed. Somehow. - expose parse info for editing by code run at compile time. This allows new attributes to be implemented in app code. E.g. handling bigendian fields by adding conversion functions. - Finalize what a "main" program looks like. should argv come from a library (sys.argv), or should environ go to main? - classes - constructors and destructors - or "after" ?? destructors, which can be declared inline - vtables, fat pointers, list of approaches - interfaces, inheritance - closures, threads, co-routines, generators lamdas - generics/templates. These should be just a compile-time decision. Same code can be called with suitable methods passed, or recompiled in the new context and then optimised. - introspection / reflection ? e.g. support serialization find function given a string holding the name measure coverage, adjust based on performance metrics auto-create mock objects Is this just parsing the details in the obj file? - FFI - parameterised types, and dependant types - message passing primitives - overloading for numbers - exceptions ?? - ensure list_head type concept can work - "union" type ?? NO - pattern matching for destructuring?? - casts to and from "binary". NO- typeswitch? - ??? algebraic types - code can appear in multiple forms: - source code - abstract syntax tree - byte-code - loadable machine code - executable-only machine code All but last can be loaded by 'ocean' and transformed into a later form, or executed directly. byte-code and loadable machine code will likely have ast content was well to describe types and provide template code. ## Needed in library - augmented and overloaded pointers An augmented pointer can also store a flag- for a bitlock etc An overloaded pointer can alternately store an int - e.g. error code - garbage collection? - UTF8 string disection - search, regexp - cvt() interface an format() function - parsing: rexep? LALR? sscan? - buffered file IO - auto-growing buffer including strings - sockets - http - html - gtk? xcb?