# This is a living document - delete things when done. Avoid discussion. ## Needs implementations ### Current version (Cataract Creek) - allow type names to be used before declared. Need to re-evaluate all type sizes after parse. - resolve the HACK of allowing assign from struct when name starts space. - '?' prefix operator returns Boolean, index operator for strings. Can be used to test for end-of-string - ?? infix operator return LHS if '?' on it would succeed, else RHS - reference to struct or intrinsic (@foo), with @new, @free, @nil and ? to test - add [] as size-of-array - replace [foo::] declaration of array with [] - fix all main() calls ### Next Version (Govetts Creek) - int nat cyc {i,n,c}{8,16,32,64} - maybe not cyc - it needs size. - ops: # & | ~ &~ - no shift: use (N * #shift) or (N / #shift) - op= - enum, with multi-valued names. enum foo { yes, no, many(10) } bar:foo=.yes; if bar == .no... if ?bar.many: print bar.many, "items" Maybe .true and .false for Boolean - change use/case labels in ".name" which creates a local enum if no type is evident. - set, with bool or int members. set foo { pinned, memalloc, priority(4) } bar:foo = .memalloc | .priority(2). if bar.pinned: bar.priority += 1 - allow global names to be used before they are declared. Assume global if undeclared, and complain in final analysis. . array slices - references to arrays - array access to read bytes from strings. How to get length? "?string[4]" ?? array[] gets length?? ### Subsequent version - 'return' statement similar to 'use', but only valid a function context - 'return' can take no value when function has inline/transparent return value - simple methods. Define "func type.name...." and the name will only be visible within namespace for type. - optional args for functions - if value given - named args? Needs to look like manifest structs - array args - last parameter can collect all remaining as array if attribute 'open' do I need attribute? Can anything be type compatible with both X and []X ?? - initial values for return parameters - convert between string and array-of-cyc8 - float64 float32 - transparent fields, parameters which are structs or pointers - transparent fields which are arrays - transparent results from functions to have same effect as inline-results - manifest values for records: [.foo = a, .bar = b] - manifest values for arrays: [expr = expr, ...] - constant structure definitions - const structures can inherit from another, and update select fields. - 'use' labels *must* appear in case statements. - 'then' can extend a case section into some other. ## Needs Design - const arrays that are initialized incrementally throughout the code, and post-processed at compile-time, e.g. to sort or derive LR tables. Maybe even across modules. Need a syntax - union types - how do I want to support these? inheritance with variance? - lambda - 'error' value for various types. NIL for pointer NaN for float, extra flag bit for integers. -MAX_INT ?? - enum as array index. foo:[:enum]int. foo[.baz] = 23 - init_only fields - const fields in structs: like const, but in 'type' namespace, not 'module' - 'borrowed' and 'owned' attributes for pointers. .free method - interfaces - list of methods that must be defined - standard interfaces to access operations: group, field, binary, logical - modules - exported names in versions, and import lists on types, fields, constants, etc - foreach variable-list := make_generator() do A generator has 'first', 'next' and 'finally' methods 'first' and 'next' return the same type which is conditional ('?' works) 'finally' returns some other type - possibly Tnone - which goes to a set of case at end of loop - attributes for fields and local variables transparent - names inside can be accessed directly handled - accesses convert to function calls?? constant - compile time constant - not stored stable - ?? add-only - ?? like append-only. read-only - set early never changed? mutable owned - Can be borrowed and freed borrowed - There is somewhere this is borrowed from dependant - ??? pure - definitely not an error endian(big,small,pdp) attributes for whole struct unsorted - fields appear as written packed - like unsorted, but no gaps permitted. - lambda functions for passing as arg to function. Are these always there to provide an interface for a value? Do I want a syntax for functions that just provides a value func (a:number; b:string):number = a+b[] - units for numbers - iso suffixes for number? - static variables. Easy to implement, but need a syntax. Something really loud. - concurrency implicit and explict reference attributes for locks and refcounts etc RCU - do/go/run/fork/async complex statement All local variables accessed in the body are read-only and copied to a new frame, and code is run in a new thread. Thread is mostly invisible. It interacts through shared objects, particularly the caller might create a channel and the thread might send messages on it. Any interesting handshakes are mediated by appropriate data structures. - arbitrary value asserts tied to variable attributes. e.g. ranges for value and relationships between fields These are tested by compiler at any changed. Somehow. - expose parse info for editing by code run at compile time. This allows new attributes to be implemented in app code. E.g. handling bigendian fields by adding conversion functions. - Finalize what a "main" program looks like. should argv come from a library (sys.argv), or should environ go to main? - classes - constructors and destructors - or "after" ?? destructors, which can be declared inline - vtables, fat pointers, list of approaches - interfaces, inheritance - closures, threads, co-routines, generators lamdas - generics/templates. These should be just a compile-time decision. Same code can be called with suitable methods passed, or recompiled in the new context and then optimised. - introspection / reflection ? e.g. support serialization find function given a string holding the name measure coverage, adjust based on performance metrics auto-create mock objects Is this just parsing the details in the obj file? - FFI - parameterised types, and dependant types - message passing primitives - overloading for numbers - exceptions ?? - ensure list_head type concept can work - "union" type ?? NO - pattern matching for destructuring?? - casts to and from "binary". NO- typeswitch? - ??? algebraic types ## Needed in library - augmented and overloaded pointers An augmented pointer can also store a flag- for a bitlock etc An overloaded pointer can alternately store an int - e.g. error code - garbage collection? - UTF8 string disection - search, regexp - cvt() interface an format() function - parsing: rexep? LALR? sscan? - buffered file IO - auto-growing buffer including strings - sockets - http - html - gtk? xcb?