How to write up two-dimensional parsing? What does the code do? - If an indent is ignored the matching undent is ignored except to decrement the 'ignored' stack and to turn a pending indent into a pending newline. or to count the pending undents. - If a newline is found and cannot be shifted yet then we check each production that would close before we shift, and if any still have pending undents, we ignore the newline - when we reduce a production, we 'resolve' indents wich may leave something pending. Either an indent or a number of undents? - productions can be recursive if first body symbol matches head. A recursive production may be horizontal if it starts in the middle of a line. non-recursive productions are always horizontal. A horizontal production must be all on one line or have its body indented. A vertical production must not be indented. Maybe I don't want to mention indents in the grammar ? if CONDITION : STATEMENTLIST doesn't have to be indented but we will only reduce it when we see something that doesn't belong.... which could be an UNDENT So: when look-ahead is UNDENT we cannot shift so we reduce until the top state has an indent attached, at which point we consume the UNDENT. if hello : foo bar bar UNDENT the undent will reduce until we just have the ifstatement which contains an indent. So any indent is pushed onto the stack and a reduction sums all the indents. What about newlines? A newline will reduce any production that doesn't contain an indent. It gets discard when top of stack was at start of line... So each 'state' also encodes start-of-line or middle-of-line and count of indents. When an INDENT is seen the current state increments count of indents. When an UNDENT is seen we must reduce until tos state has an indent, which we decrement. When a NEWLINE is seen, we reduce until tos state has indents or was at start-of-line. nononono UNDENT shouldn't force a reduce. Only newline should do that. But as an undent is always followed by a newline, it still results in a reduce happening where I want it. So an undent shifts in line an indent(?). Reduction nets the indents. A newline forces the reduction until we find excess indents. But what does grammar look like? statement -> assignment ';' | assignment So a newline will force the reduction to 'statement', but this will allow a = b c = d which looks bad. So: statement -> assignment ';' | assignment NEWLINE Then the NEWLINE can be shifted normally. So newline forces reduction until it can be shifted or until ToS contains an indent or started on a new line. If we hit an irreducible state that does not accept NEWLINE when we have to shift in an ERROR instead which might then be reducible. When popping states we need to collect the indents. Where do we attach the indent/undent info? To the state or to the symbol? They are kept together but mean different things. indent/undent are between terminals, just like states. But they can be inside non-terminals which make them unlike states. What "is" a state? It is a point between two symbols in a sentential form. It doesn't carry information. So I think the indent has to go with a symbol. An 'indent' should attach to the symbol *before* it as that is the thing that is being continued. An 'undent' should also attach before itself. Eventually those two terminals become included in a single non-terminal and they collapse. You can never have more undents than indents as a newline will force reductions until top symbol has no undents. In fact we reduce until the top symbol has a new indent, or is a vertical production, or is explicitly allowed. If we see an INDENT, we attach to symbol at ToS If we see an UNDENT, we attach to symbol at ToS (possibly canceling indent) If we see a Newline and current ToS holds +ve indent, we ignore it If look-ahead is expected, we shift it. If we can reduce, we do so. Else we trigger error handling: pop states until one accepted ERROR - collecting indent shift ERROR with those indents Discard input, but process indent/undent, until next symbol is expected. continue. Does this work? If I have a = b + c + d Then the NEWLINE after "c +" cannot be handled, but should not be an error. Stack would hold var = expr + where 'expr' contains an indent. Maybe NEWLINE is ignored unless ToS has negative indent. a = b + c + d That must be an error. Problems: 1/ accepting NL must depend on what it will reduce. 2/ If UNDENT/INDENT appear together they must be kept separate. So maybe UNDENT does block shifts and so forces reduction. If not reduction can be made, that is an error if (a) { b; } The NL UD NL before '}': NL will ensure "b;" is reduced. UD will reduce to command-list so we will have if ( expr ) { commandlist where '{' holds the indent. So '}' needs to bring in the undent, which is after another NL. So Undent waits for a symbol to collect it when shifted. What when I have: if (a) { foo; while (b) bar; When we try to reduce "foo;while(b)bar;" to "statementlist" the negative indent triggers an error. This a bit late though. I want it when I see the 'while'. I want an error there which can be reduced a closed statement. The undent should close the statementlist so that '}' is the only shiftable symbol. But after 'statementlist', 'while' is still permitted. If we just waited for the 'while' statement to reduce and then noticed the error, we could still report it against the 'while' token, but recover would be a lot harder as we have already parsed the 'while' into the 'wrong' place. So when I see that token after NL,UD,NL, I need to be able to say 'yes' or 'no'. Could require help from grammar. e.g. if a token is allowed to have a lesser indent than previous token, then there must be a literal UNDENT token. Or we could require: Block -> BlockA } BlockA -> { Statementlist That looks ugly, but the undent would close BlockA and allow the } to be expected. Or maybe Block -> { Statementlist OptNewline } so the newline after the indent is shifted and doesn't reduce-or-error. Then the UNDENT would ensure that the Statementlist were closed, the Newline would be shifted, only a '}' would be allowed. So: each symbol in a production must be in the same line as the previous, or in an indented line. No. OptNewline there wouldn't work as a blank line would take us to expecting a '}'. I think I need to go back to what works... only it doesn't? Indent is attached to previous symbol. I think that is easier that keeping it at the 'start' of the 'next' symbol as I was doing. Newline closes any productions that don't include an indent, then can be shifted if wanted, or ignored. Undent reduces things until ToS has an indent that can be canceled. This means that if part of a production can have a negative relative indent, it must be separate: Block -> Blockhead } Blockhead -> { Statementlist So the Undent before the '}' will reduce Blockhead and can then be discarded. We would add Block -> Blockhead ERROR It would be nice if that can be auto-handled. e.g. Block -> { Statementlist $undent } leads to the above. That would be messy for the reduce action though. Could each state "know" -------------- A state can have different items with different offsets, so how much of the stack is part of the 'current' production is not well defined. It is not completely random either. We can ignore non-kernel items as those are just potential productions - they haven't started yet. Of the remainder, many states have only one length. Many others will have some offset and '1' for recursive productions: A -> A . X These can be called "potential" as well as we have no commitment. What is left? Funcall -> Factor . ( ExprList ) Term -> ~ Factor . Funcall -> Factor . ( ExprList ) Term -> Term * Factor . etc i.e. just the bits that make the grammar distinctively LR. In my case one is always reducible, is that important? So when we see an Undent we find the max-index of the current state and determine if there is a matching indent within that distance. If there isn't then we must reduce or trigger an error. Alternately: Each 'goto' from this state has a max-history. We exclude any that don't have enough history to include balanced indents. If the next symbol would trigger one of those, it is an error. So: For early error detection we record Indents against the previous symbol, ignore newlines, and when we see an undent the next shift must lead from a core item with enough history to keep balance. If that is well defined it might catch early undents, but what about unneeded indents? a = b + c; c = d + e; I expect that is less likely, but still an error. When we see the first ';' we will reduce to a statement and then a statementlist. The second 'c' would lead us from statementlist -> statementlist . statement which is recursive and so doesn't allow indents (unless it started in the middle of a line). Intends are allowed anywhere except after the first symbol of a left-recursive production which started at beginning-of-line. a = b + c * d; is not allowed as 'Term->Term*Factor' is left-recursive. But why not? So maybe an indent has to be allowed anywhere. Maybe a warning but there is no real recovery option. An undent is allowed in a state with a history back to the matching indent. If we see an undent, we check if the state can consume it. If not we look to the next symbol which is not an undent (or newline) and reduce until that symbol can be shifted. At this point the undent must have been consumed. Or easier: We must reduce to the matching indent before we shift, unless a NEWLINE is explicitly allowed... Take 1: An indent is between two symbols, or within one symbol. We hold a pending indent which gets attached to the front of the next symbol that we shift. Undents and newlines collect until we see a "real" symbol. Any reductions that are then indicated happen and if the ToS symbol is found to hold an indent, that cancels a pending undent. Once we get to a state that can shift the lookahead we examine the number of pending undents. It should be zero. i.e. we shouldn't still be in the middle of a non-terminal that started at a greater level of indent. If it isn't zero we trigger an error because a close-bracket or similar is missing. This might be different to "unrecognised-error" The error should lead to reductions which cancel out the remaining undent. I think the parser needs to incorporate error handling into states. Each state knows what symbol to synthesis to get closer to a reduction. i.e. on 'no close' error, we reduce what we can, and synthesis when we cannot. So that seems to handle early undent. We also have 'unexpected indent', 'missing indent' and 'late undent'. A 'missing indent' happens when a production that we expect to be one-line sees a newline rather than an indent. i.e. a = b + c; The + after the newline only reduces 'b' to Expression which starts in the middle of the line. A newline should see a reduction to a nonterm which started at the beginning of a line, or which contains an indent. We trigger a 'no close' error here so that '+' is the start of a new statement. Maybe if the next symbol is shiftable, we just report an error and allow parsing to continue; An 'unexpected indent' happens when the fully reduced non-terminal started at the beginning of a line and is a recursive non-terminal. Or maybe we are in a recursive state. This triggers an error A 'late undent' is like an unexpected indent. The previous fully-reduced non-terminal is recursive, started at the beginning of a line, and still contains an indent. ------------------ Each symbol can carry a 'start-of-line' flag and an 'indent' count. Each state may be flagged as 'recursive' if "A -> A . etc", and records the symbol to synthesise to resolve a 'missing' error. Current state includes an undent count, a nothing/newline/indent flag. When look ahead contains undent, we increment that count When look ahead contains newline we set newline flag When look ahead contains indent, we set flag to indent. When we reduce we combine indent counts in symbols and keep start-of-line from first symbol. If the ToS after a reduce contains indents and current state contain undents, they are reduce so that one becomes zero (min is subtracted from both). Before we shift we must test: - if undents are non-zero, we synthesis the symbol expected by the state, we keep synthesising and reducing until the undent count reaches zero. We report that the synthesised symbols were missing. - If newline flag is set, the ToS symbol should start at SOL or contain an indent. If it doesn't we just report a missing indent error. - If indent flag is set and ToS symbol started at SOL and state is recursive we report an unexpected indent. - If state is recursive and ToS started a SoL and contains an indent, we report an extra indent. --------------------- (I think I'm getting there). Hypothesis: An indent is allowed in a non-recursive that started on a newline, or in a recursive (at the recursion point) that didn't. The matching undent must be at the end of the production. A newline is only allowed in a production that started at the start of a line, but not always. - only if recursive or annotated. An undent is required at the end of a production that contains an indent. An indent or newline found where not "allowed" generates an error but no recovery. An undent not found where required generates an error and emergency reductions. If we have an ambiguous grammar then the undent could simply force a reduction. i.e. if the 'emergency reduction' just involves choosing REDUCE of SHIFT, then it isn't an error or even a warning. But where exactly is an indent or newline allowed - I don't think I have this right. - a newline is definitely allowed in a list that started at the beginning of a line. We need to structure the production right so we don't end up with a separator at the start of a line. LIST -> LIST SEP ELEMENT -> ELEMENT would need to allow the newline before ELEMENT. The logic there would be that if the first ELEMENT can be at start-of-line, other ELEMENTS can too. LIST -> LIST ELEMENT -> empty Is appropriate if no separate is needed, and an empty list is OK. Here ... does the indent go after the LIST or before the ELEMENT? i.e. if there are more symbols, how do we know. If the list already has an indent, then from there on it "started at the beginning of a line" This is treating it a lot like LL(1) which would be: LIST -> ELEMENT LIST | empty LIST -> ELEMENT SEP LIST | ELEMENT - a newline is definitely allowed in a non-list which has already been indented. for (i=0; i<10; i++) a = b + c + d; So: whatever holds the indent can also hold a newline. i.e. a production can have a newline between symbols if an earlier symbol has an indent before it. This would allow a = [ b , c , d ] which is probably OK. What about indents? Can I have two indents in the one production? No, I don't think so. If an indent occurs *inside* a production, newlines can appear later. If an indent occurs *in front* of a list production, newlines can appear later. So (again!) a symbol (on stack) can have an indent at the start, and can have a number of indents within. When we shift the first symbol after an indent, it gets an indent at the start. When we reduce the result inherit and indent at the start, and other indents (within and at start) become within. The indent at the start of a list can be treated as being within. i.e. as list has an empty symbol at the from before the indent. A newline is permitted if the max history for the current state contains an indent. Indent at start of non-list doesn't count. At start of list it does. An indent is permitted if the max history does not contain an indent. An undent cancels indents within, or possibly before, the immediately preceeding symbol. Can I do all lists with empty start? // simple list LIST -> LIST ELEMENT | empty // non-empty list LIST -> LIST0 ELEMENT LIST0 -> LIST | // non-empty with separator LIST -> LIST0 ELEMENT LIST0 -> LIST SEP | // can be empty, sep is needed LIST -> | LIST1 LIST1 -> ELEMENT | LIST1 SEP ELEMENT Just stick "IsList -> " in front of anything that is a list. For newline to be allowed, do indent have to be between symbols in same production, or is within symbol ok? if ( a = b ) // now I need another indent.. or an undent? x = x + 2; The undent resets, then only an indent is allowed. if ( a = b ) x = x + 2; No reset, so extra indent. Anything is probably OK except newline. So the indent cannot be inside a previous symbol. But for lists, the indent will be exactly inside LIST. So maybe inside first symbol is OK ?? x[a+ b] = c x = [ a, b, c, d, e, f ] I think I might be trying too hard. I should allow newlines and indents anywhere, and give a clear interpretation for undents. However my real goal is to know exactly what newlines and undents mean and how to parse them. i.e. does the grammar need to mention all of the, some of them, or just be ambiguous and allow line break to disambiguate? That last options doesn't really work as we cannot allow a separator to be dropped anywhere by at end-of-line or before-close. So grammar needs newlines. Various separators can be "sep or newline". However I don't think indents need to be mentioned. if condition : statementlist needs undents to disambiguate I don't need to say that. So: - indents get shifted with token - indents are grouped by reduce - and undent reduces until a matching indent in the top state can be cancelled. - newlines are messy. We look ahead through possible reductions until we either shift the newline or find an indent or cannot reduce. If the shifted newline would not contain a newline in the production, we choose that path. If we find an indent, we discard the newline. If we cannot reduce we again ignore the newline We could also discard a newline early if not in LA set. But then: if x : a = b + c = d Looks to the compiler like an addition and to the human like two assignments. a = b + c + d + ?? Only allow newline if production started with indent. So: If not expected and current production contains indent, discard. If not expected and current production has no indent - error, recover. If expected, test-reduce and discard if indent found else accept. Not quite. What if we just test-recover until we hit an indent or want to shift the newline? Difference between statements and expressions is that a statement can be terminated by a newline. So if we find a newline and test-recover would use it, that is an error. If we find a newline and test-recover would not use it before an indent, it isn't an error. So each state which cannot reduce has a link to the best state to shift to. When we want to recovery we follow these links until they run out. Then we can reduce which leads to a new state. If we find a newline, we do this until we find a state which will take a newline, or we cross an indent. If we crossed an indent, we discard the newline. If not and we has to take any shift steps, we call an error. This requires that newlines aren't buried to deep. If we find an undent, we do this until we have cancelled the undent against an indent. If anything was shifted, we report an error. No - using indent just to disambiguate an ambiguous grammar doesn't work as it still allows confusing constructs. if foo: bar else: baz Should be wrong as the 'else' looks to be part of the statement but cannot be. It should be "unexpected". That really means that "INDENT" "UNDENT" must be part of the grammar. So: if COND : INDENT STATEMENTLIST UNDENT which is where I started. So an indent which is not expected protects all newlines and indent/undent pairs until the matching undent.... not quite. Indents can be expected in a state (if we compute lookahead). If an indent is not expected we simply discard it and keep count. When we shift an expected indent we push the count with it. When we push the matching undent, we restore the count. When we get an undent, we discard it if indent count is non-zero. When we get a newline we look ahead to see if it would reduce across an indent. If so we discard the newline. If not we keep it. But an undent still needs to force reductions doesn't it? i.e. if an undent doesn't cancel against top of stack we count it. If we every try to shift while an undent is present, we throw an error and shift other stuff until the undent is gone. Indents must affect error handling. We no longer just discard tokens left and right. The 'error' state for any indented token is the matching undent. So we discard stack tokens until we get an error state or an indented state. If error, we shift the error and discard input until a token matches. While discarding input we track indent/undent and if we come to an unmatched undent we discard stack tokens again If we hit an indented state we discard input until the matching undent arrives. But do we really want to discard tokens, or can we synthesise tokens? Discarding is standard. It gets to a known position. It allows any location in a production to accept errors. However discarding does discard data that cannot get further analysis. If we use very fine grained error productions we might not miss much. Come back to this later. For now just discard. If we find an Indent on stack, an error "must" be expected. i.e. block -> : INDENT Statementlist UNDENT Statementlist -> ERROR So: if we can shift ERROR, we do, else if Indents and newlines. Indents and newlines can be taken as strong syntactic marker, useful both for regular parsing and error recovery. Unlike other bracketing markers such as parentheses or paired key words (BEGIN and END or DO and OD) indents cannot be lost. Every line displays what the current indent level is and for every indent there is precisely one location where the matching undent is (though of course one location can have undents for multiple indents). Similarly start-of-line and end-of-line can be strong bracketing markers which cannot be missed. The two can complement each other to provide a very effective indication of the grouping that the programmer intends. Often the programmer will want more explicit marking as well (e.g. "{" and "}" ) which is perfectly fine as redundancy of expression is an important part of effective communication and this is equally true in writing a compute program. The connection between the two is simply that indentation effects a continuation of the previous line. For example in A B C D E Any bracketing implied by sol/eol should not be imposed around "A B C" but only around "A ... E" - the indent effectively hides the line break. So this could be tokenised as sol A B C indent sol D E eol undent eol Note that every SOL has a matching EOL and every INDENT a matching UNDENT. As these markers are strongly paired they can be useful for error detection and recovery. This is particularly true for indents. It seems universally true that any syntactic unit (such a declaration, statement, or expression) which starts indented will finish while still indented. That means it will complete before the undent which matches the most recent indent when it was started. This fact is helpful but not quite as strong as we might like For example, in A B C D E F G H "F G" could be in the same syntactic unit as "A..E". however if "D" started a new subunit, "F G" certainly aren't part of that. Assuming that "A" started a syntactic unit, "H" is the first symbol that is clearly not part of it. This isn't really a problem for if condition : foo; bar; baz; as the statementlist is the last part of the if-statement, so there is no room in it for baz - baz must be separate. However in a = b + c + d + e + f + g + h; This looks wrong but cannot be ruled out on the grounds of indentation. Here the expression of statement -> var "=" expression ";" starts on the same line as the statement so there is no indent. We could argue that a syntactic element (expression) that stated other that at the start of a line may only continue to the end of that line (when adjusted for indents). This can hit problems with: if condition { foo; bar; } Here the "block" of block -> "{" statementlist "}" starts other than at the beginning of a line, but continues on the next line. There are a few different ways we could try to deal with this: a/ some special-case marking in the grammar to say that a newline is permitted before the '}' b/ Don't make a separate syntax element for "block": ifstatement -> if condition { statementlist } would mean that the '}' is at the same indent as the 'if' which starts the element. c/ decide that the last terminal of a production is a special case and can go on a new line. The last is almost certainly a bad ideas it would encourage a = b ; and discourage if foo then stuff end if Another construct that is often used is: if condition { foo; bar; } where the "block" is allowed to start on a new line. This potentially encourages 'block' to be a separate syntactic unit, so 'b' above doesn't seem encouraging. That leave 'a' and marking both the '{' and the '}' as being allowed to start a new line If we assume these markings, then an undent can close any syntactic unit that started at a greater indent, or at the same indent but not at start of line. We can use this: - to detect errors by reducing early and then ensuring the next token is expected. e.g. the indent after 'bar;' would close the statementlist after which only a '}' is expected. If it isn't there, that is an error. - to handle ambiguous grammars. In the classic statement -> if ( expression ) statement | if ( expression ) statement else statement the normal default is to treat 'else' as right-associative. Using indents: if (x) if (y) foo(); else bar(); can be parsed with the 'else' applying to the 'if(x)' as you would visually expect. Now we turn to line markings - sol and eol. The above suggested that any unit should be "on one line" (allowing for indents) unless specially marked. This is bit excessive. For example a = b + c + d; "b + c + d" is all one expression, but appear on two lines. Might seem unlikely, but a[some_long_expression_with_function_call_etc] = verylongling + otherverylongthing + moreofthesame; might not seem so unlikely. This could easily be made correct by moving the '=' to the start of the second line, or indenting the third line slightly. It isn't certain that we want to do that, and annotating that a newline is allowed before the 'plus' seems clumsy. An alternate approach involves noting that 'statements' are rather special. Not uniquely special but still special. That is, statements are normally on one line. When they are two long for a line the remainder is indented (make it part of the previous line). When a statement appears on multiple lines it is a notable exception. For example the Python if condition: statementlist elif condition: statementlist else: statementlist has three lines in one statement. This is a one-line statement which has newlines before the 'elif' and 'else', or maybe 3 one-line objects which can come together. While a statement is line-based, and expression probably isn't. They tend to appear all on one line, but that is because the statement they are in does. In some sense the line-nature of the statement "captures" the expression. An expression can only be on multiple lines if they are all indented with respect to the containing statement. So rather than marking some things as being allowed to continue to the next line, we can mark some things as being line-shaped. These are sometimes whole units and sometimes parts. e.g. if ( condition ) { statementlist Note the missing '}' above - it is not part of the line shape. if condition : statementlist else: statementlist function name(argumentlist) lval = expression ; and so forth. Being line-shaped just means that it must be "all on one line", but not that it must be a line by self. Several line shaped things can appear on a line a = a+1; b= b-2; However it would be nice to allow a syntax modification when separate lines are used. i.e. a = a + 1 b = b - 2 The trailing semicolon is not needed. As the assignment is line-shaped it must finish at the end of the line. Declaring the semicolon to be optional would allow a = a + 1 b = b - 2 which looks more like an error than a correct construct. Here the semicolon is need. A simple solution is to allow the NEWLINE to be part of the syntax listed for the grammar: OptSemi -> ; | NEWLINE Then Assignment -> lvalue = expression OptSemi as a line-shaped item should work. 1/ If a point is 'newline allowed' then what follows can go on a new line 2/ If something is line-shaped then linebreaks may only be intended. So in a production we can have 'optnewline' or 'optsemi' anywhere but at the start. Or maybe 'at the start' means something a bit different. statement -> if condition optnewline block | if condition optnewline block optnewline else optnewline block block -> : statementlist | { statementlist optnewline } If something is line-shaped, then the EOL that ends the line on which it starts, must end the thing. If something is not line-shaped, then an EOL can be safely ignored. An LR state can expect NEWLINE if it has a goto state for it. And it has an indent. If we look up the stack and find an indent before a newline-expected then a newline is ignored. If we find a newline-expected before an indent, the newline is used. If a state expects a newline and was indented then the newline expectation comes last, is seen first when looking back, so newline is used. Separately, an undent reduces until it can cancel with an indent. but what about a = 1 + (3 * 4 + 2) b = 1 + 3 * func(a, b, c, d) This isn't so much about whether an indent is present, as how much of an indent there should be. This sort of indent doesn't affect parsing or help with error recovery so it is probably best left to esthetics. We could possibly require that everything in the brackets be indented w.r.t. line on which the brackets started so that b = 1 + 3 * func(a, b, c, d) would not be allowed. However we would need to ensure that b = 1 + 3 * func( a,b,c,d) were allowed (I think) I've got the UNDENT reduce a bit wrong. Anything that started with an indent must be reduced, not just one thing that started there and everything after. This is awkward as reducing back to 'statementlist' doesn't stop adding to that statementlist, but it should. So we want e.g. statementlist -> statements statements -> statements statement | Then we reduce back to 'statementlist' which cannot accept another statement. The parser generator could insert these extra non-terms automagically. No that's not quite it either. If I have a; b; c; d; then the undent after 'c;' needs to reduce the statement (which is already reduced) but not the 'statementlist'. But there is no extra state there. We aren't reducing back to a state, but back to a symbol. The indent happened after a statementlist A recursive symbol A is a problem if: A -> A B and X -> ?? A Y for non-empty Y. This results in a state: X -> ?? A . Y A -> A . B If the Y is empty, X will reduce and B becomes unshiftable. If this pattern is found we can create A' X -> ?? A' Y A' -> A Now 'A' only appears at the end of a production so there is no problem. Got it wrong again ... foo bar baz bat after 'bat', the recent indent is in Statements which makes it look like we need to close all of Statements. But we don't. As the indent stated in the middle of Statements we only need to close to it. So we really do need to know if an indent is at the start or in the middle. We can cancel an 'in the middle' as soon as we find it. We can only cancel an at-the-start when reduce_size > 1 (as it is now 'in the middle'). Now back to newlines. It doesn't work very well to include newlines in the grammar wherever one is allowed as it conflicts with where they are required. E.g. for ';' to be optional we sometimes require one at the end of a statement, but for statements to be line-like we need to allow one at the start I think we need to allow NEWLINE in the grammar for EOL markings. Maybe we want SOL too? The important cases are: a = b * c + d; Statement is line-like so return to SOL not allowed, but expression is not to return is. if condition: statement else: statement Both 'if ..' and 'else..' are line-like a = b + c Newline at end of this line is allowed in place of ';'. If we have the grammar recognise all newlines that are not protected we need to support blank lines in lists. Statements -> Statements OptNL Statement No, I don't like that. EOL should be at the end. Some things can have an EOL at end, either optionally or required. Or elsewhere in the production. When we see an EOL we need to ask "Do I ignore this or use this?". The answer relates to indents and expected newlines. If a symbol can derive a sequence with an EOL, then the symbol is flagged can-eol. If that symbols after DOT in any item in a state are flagged 'can-eol', then the state is flagged 'can-eol'. If a 'can-eol' state appear on the stack closer than a 'was indented' state, the we use the EOL token. If no states up to the first 'was indented' state are flagged 'can-eol' then we discard the EOL token. That might work, but have I thought of all the issues? - blank lines. The grammar will need to allow for these explicitly in any context where EOL is expected. Not a big burden I guess. - force reductions ? If EOL closes things, does it close anything where not explicit? Probably not - that is sort of the point. If it appears where not expected but in line context, that is an error just like an "unexpected" error. - is the nesting 1-way? i.e. can I have line-oriented things in noline boxes. or "vertical stacks in horizontal boxes"? A possible example is a function call. It might be nice to allow a = b + func(first second third) * 2 There are two problem here. Firstly there is no EOL after 'first' so that cannot mark the end of an argument. Secondly it forces an EOL interpretation on surrounding expressions. And what about a = [1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 ] I would like to be able to drop the ',' after the '3' but it isn't clear that it is safe. a = [1, 2, 3 +4 +2 8, 9] Is a bit forced but with clear intent. I think it could be deemed as wrong because the think that wraps is not the first list element on that line. Is that a well defined concept? Recording the line structure allows for a number of different options. As mentioned already, a "NEWLINE" at the end of each line might do it. However as "IN" and "OUT" already imply a line break, we could just have "SAME" on breaks which don't have "IN" or "OUT". However this doesn't capture the idea that a line sometimes corresponds to a syntactic unit. Another approach is to follow the bracketing nature of "IN" and "OUT" and have "SOL" and "EOL" for start-of-line and end-of-line. As we noted already an indented section implies continuation and so should delay the end of line. If we follow this idea, the above structure could be tokenize as: Here every "SOL" has a matching "EOL" but it can be delayed until after an indented block. So the "EOL" that matches the first "SOL" comes after the "OUT". It is worth noting here and a single line break can have multiple "OUT"s and even an "IN" as well. A B C D E F G H I After the "G" we would have "EOL OUT EOL OUT EOL IN SOL" before the "H". The three "EOL"s terminate the lines that start "F", "D", and "A" in that order, and a new "IN" is needed as "H" is indented with respect to "A". This tokenization captures the structure very effectively and is what I will be using with one simplification. The "SOL" really isn't needed. It is easily deduced and doesn't have a strong effect on the parser. The "EOL" may for a syntactic element to be closed. The "SOL" is simply recorded for reference, and that can be recorded when "IN" or "EOL" is seen ("OUT" is always followed by "IN" or "EOL", so "OUT" doesn't need to imply "SOL"). This tokenization captures the structure very effectively and is what I will be using with one simplification. The "SOL" really isn't needed. It is easily deduced and doesn't have a strong effect on the parser. The "EOL" may for a syntactic element to be closed. The "SOL" is simply recorded for reference, and that can be recorded when "IN" or "EOL" is seen ("OUT" is always followed by "IN" or "EOL", so "OUT" doesn't need to imply "SOL"). Unsurprisingly, these are exactly the tokens that can be generated by the scanner I previously described though the token names have been changed. When does an EOL actually mark and END. Now that we have a good understanding of IN and OUT we can turn to EOL. Intuitively EOL should mark the end of something much like OUT does. But what. Let's look at some cases: if a == b: print "Hello" print "World" Here there are 3 EOL tokens, one after "Hello", one after "World" and one after the OUT token right at then end. The first two should close the statement on that line. The last probably shouldn't as there might be an "else:" still to come. a = b + c * d + e There are 3 EOL token here in the same locations. Now the first two should not close anything, while the last one should close the statement. These two examples have very similar structure and are largely indistinguishable to the LR parser, and yet must be handled very differently. This implies that we need to provide the parser with extra information. We need to tell it something about the expected line structure of the language. To understand what to tell the parse we need to look into our (or my) intuition about why the newlines are or are not wanted in the different locations. I think the key observation is that statements are generally expected to be one-per-line, while there is no similar expectation for expressions. The earlier observation that an "else:" might still be expected shows that statements are always one-per-line, however that is a fairly well defined exception. i.e. there are certain placed in a statement where a newline is expected, or at least not a surprise. The start/end is one place. Before an "else" or "elif" is another. In C we might have: if (a == b) { print "Hello" print "World" } so an EOL is expected before a '{' or a '}' in that language. If we define all the places where an EOL is expected then we should be able to work out when an EOL should close a syntactic unit and when it should be ignore. However it isn't as simple as ignoring an EOL where ever it isn't expected. We need to include our understanding that indents protect EOL in some sense. In the second EOL example above (a = b + c ...) the first two EOL tokens were ignored in part because they were indent. If the second they were not ignore because despite being indented, they were expected. So the interplay between indents and EOL expectations needs to be understood. If we go back to our very first example: A B C D E F G H you might remember I suggested that if something started at "B C..." it should finish at "F". The "OUT" should close that as well. Our process described ..... not sure .. Also you need to know how the scanner can report indent information to the parser. I discuss that in some detail when introducing my lexical scanner but you probably don't need to read that now. It is sufficient to know that the token stream will have paired "INDENT" and "UNDENT" tokens, and that the "NEWLINE" token that you might expect to come before an "INDENT" is delayed until after the matching "UNDENT". With this in place, it seems natural to allow the parser to absorb INDENT and UNDENT, but to require that when it reduces and production, the net indent absorbed while shifting the tokens which make up that production is zero. i.e for every INDENT there must be exactly one UNDENT. So: if condition { It might help to start with some examples. 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing 2. elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 3. incididunt ut labore et dolore 4. magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim 5. veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco 6. laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 7. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate 8. velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Here are 8 lines of random text - the line number are just for reference and should not be considered part of the text. Similarly any punctuation or capitals should be ignored when trying to understand the structure. Looking at just the newlines and indents it appears that line 1-5, line6, and lines 7-8 form three separate and equal units. Within the first of these, lines 2 and 3-4 are again to separate and equal units. Line 5 is not part of whatever 2,3-4 are but is something else that is part of 1-5. Where that structural analysis is actually correct cannot be determined without knowledge of the meaning, so lets try something more meaningful. a = [ 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 ] Now we can clearly see that the continued lines are all part of what was started on the first line. The last line is less indented than the others much like line 5 in the first example. We took that to mean it is not a continuation 2nd and 3rd lines but only of the first, and this example bears that out. The lack of a comma at the end of the first 3 lines are not lead to any ambiguity. It is clear from the structure that something is completed. It cannot be the whole list that is completed as that started on the first line and we are still indented with respect to there, so it must be a "smaller" or more local syntactic unit that has completed. i.e. the list entry. Here is a different example using the same structure. if a = 1 { a = b + c; d = e; } This looks very wrong. Breaking the first assignment looks bad, and having the second assignment start with the same indent as the continuation of the first is also wrong. Yet the list begun, but not finished, of the first line of the first example looks fine. Maybe it is the amount of indenting that makes a difference. We can try adjusting that and see: a = [ 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 ] if a = 1 { a = b + c; d = e; } certainly the amount of indenting helped in the first example, but fixing it doesn't really fix the second example. hello 30apr2014 I seem to be stuck here... What do I know? When I see a newline, I must either IGNORE it or SHIFT it or REDUCE The key question is: when to ignore it? We ignore newlines when they are protected by an indent. What does "protected" mean? It means there is already an internal indent in any symbol which can derive a newline. So in the above examples, only newlines are expected at end of statement (with or without ';') and after '{'. So for all the newlines seen in a = [..] the closest symbol that derives newline is 'statement' and it has an internal indent. So they are ignored. In the "if a = 1 { ..." The first newline is after "+ c;". We are in statement (or statementlist) which derives newline and that has internal indent so newline is ignored. But I don't want it ignored. How about: When we see a newline, we find the closest reducible thing that can contain a newline. If it started at the start of a line and contains an internal indent, then we can ignore the newline. That has potential: a line-like thing can only be broken if it starts at the beginning of a line. But can we implement this in an LR grammar? We don't know what context we are in until we reduce into that context. So how do we determine if we are in a line-like thing? Each symbol has a 'can_eol' flag. EOL gets that flag, and any non-terminal which can produce an 'can_eol' symbol gets the flag too. So 'statement' has it but 'expression' does not. Each state has an 'expect_eol' flag. If is set if the 'next' symbol of any item in the state has can_eol set. OR : It is set if any the head of any production in the state has can_eol set. Now recall that the state stack is conceptually: STATE1 SYM1 STATE2 SYM2 STATE3 SYM3 Each STATEn is expecting all the following syms to eventually be reduce to something which can then advance that state. So if STATEn has 'expect_eol', then everything following is part of something that maybe could have a newline in it. So if STATEk has expect_eol then we ignore newline precisely if SYMk was at start-of-line and somewhere from SYMk on there is an internal indent. So we need a new start-of-line flag in the frame. Is expect_eol precise enough? I'm wondering about a production that has a newline in the middle. What happens then? After the newline has been shifted the whole won't be reduced so that expect_eol state will still be there so we can still be ignoring newlines. I think we declare that a production which can contain a newline but cannot end with a newline is an oddity which we don't support. Similarly if any production from a symbol can contain a newline, then every production is assumed to be line-like and so require an indent for newlines to be ignored. "Newlines are ignored only inside line-like symbols which started at the beginning of a line and have since had an indent" Possibly good, but a grammar with no newlines would not allow newlines. Maybe that doesn't matter - the lexer can ignore them. Can we turn it around though "Newlines are only shifted if the nearest line-like thing does not have an internal indent." so "They are ignored if there is no linelike thing, or it holds an indent Also "An internal indent in a linelike thing that started midline is not permitted. That didn't work - 'expect_eol' definition doesn't make sense in that way. New attempt: expect_eol is set if *all* of the *next* symbols in core item have cal-eol set. When a core item does not have a 'next' symbol we ignore that item. Looks good, but now a new issue appears. If a production is reduced by an OUT indent, the following NEWLINE doesn't have a home. If expect an optional newline there it might use the newline before the outdent (which could have been ignored otherwise??). and worse, it can create a reduce-reduce conflict because the optional newline could terminate inner or outer statement. This is particularly a problem with Block -> : Statementlist Statement -> if Expression Block else Block After an OUT reduces ": Statementlist" to Block there is a NEWLINE but we need to see the "else". If we indent the 'else' it works nicely. I want to tell that a NEWLINE is needed there. That means I must put one after "Statement -> if Expression Block" to avoid a reduce/reduce conflict. Each. After trying to describe this I need to refine it again. - A symbol is "can_eol" if any symbol in any production from this symbol is followed only by nullable symbols. - A state is "starts_line" if the previous symbol in any item "can_eol",) or is nullable and previous to that "can_eol", etc. - The start state is "starts_line" if the start symbol "can_eol". 19may2019 - in Texas! I hit a problem. Because anything that ends at a NEWLINE is considered LineLike, an Expression is LineLike. I didn't want that. So if I have print a + b + c The NEWLINE after b is not Ignored in the expression, only once it has reduced the simplestatement because.... A NEWLINE is discarded when the tos is NOT newline_permitted. A frame gets newline_permitted when the state "starts_line" which happens if a starting sym is "line_like", meaning it can usefully be followed by a newline. 25may2019 I've re-read most of my notes about NEWLINE parsing and I'm not sure.... I originally wanted "linelike" to be anything containing a newline. I apparently found problems and now it is anything followed by a new line. But that seems weird, because in assignment -> name = expression statement -> assignment NEWLINE expression is followed by a newline, so is linelike. I think. Can I return to my original idea? Any symbol containing a newline is lineline, and newlines shouldn't be ignored. If the symbol started since an indent. If it started before an indent, then it doesn't affect newlines. During parsing, we don't know which symbol we are working on (yet), only which states we have, which can be working on multiple symbols. The decision we need to make when we see a newline is which of these to choose: - ignore - if states since an indent don't start a line - reduce - if there is start-of-line state since start of line. - shift - if we can, and not ignored - reduce - if we can - error - if nothing else Maybe every item in an itemset must be followed by a newline if any are. That cannot work as we always add prefixed of 'next' symbol. if expr { NEWLINE if expr NEWLINE { Should the NEWLINE be ignored? No! It isn't indented. So if I want NEWLINEs to be allowed, they need to be explicit. This makes the state startsline. So: we mark can_eol on any symbol that can derive NEWLINE we mark a state as starts_line if any item with dot-at-start can derive a can_eol. Then if the most recent starts_line is further back than an indent, we ignore newlines. So I don't need the lineline flag. 03jun2019 I'm making progress with newlines... Newlines *are* shifted if there is only one symbol since the start of the line.. The current conundrum is what happens to several blank lines after: if cond: action The next thing could be - an else: - a new complex statement - the end of the block The first two are currently handle with newlines before things, so we stack up several newlines, then when we see a thing, we reduce the newlines out from under it. But that doesn't work for the end of the block. A Newlines symbol cannot insert an optional linebreak, but can absorb blank lines. So places where a line break is optional, we have Open -> { | Newline { Where we want to allow blank lines, we have Newlines -> NEWLINE Newlines Then if we see a newline, not at start of line, we shift if it is optional When we see a newline at start of line, we shift if blank lines are allowed. So if grammar allows Newlines Open Then .... that doesn't work. Newlines won't get any lines. Maybe we want: Open -> { | NEWLINE Newlines { I have a problem. I want else: a := b to parse the same as else: a := b and for the last newline to close the elsepart. But the latter has 2 newlines while the former only has one and I don't have any obvious justification for ignoring either. I think it is in the Newline before the OUT that is extra. I could drop the newline before the OUT, assuming the newline separate things, and the OUT will force any reductions needed. But then we have fewer newlines reported than actual. (Same imbalance happens with multiline comments and strings, so maybe that is OK). Another way to look at it is that the newline following an IN is discarded (or always ignored) and not moved to after the OUT. So (maybe) the newline at an IN or OUT is reported *after* the IN or OUT. so A B C D Would be A IN NL B NL C OUT IN NL D OUT NL The parser always ignores the NL after an IN but uses other NL to reduce to a single symbol (if possible) OR maybe it doesn't ignore (unless not line-like context) and lines are preceeded by NL, not followed by them... No, followed is usually good.. though separated is better... so preceed!! Ok, this isn't working. A construct if cond: pass cannot be reduced to a Statement until we know what comes next, and it might be separated by several newlines. So the newlines need to be part of the Statement. But that means we cannot have newlines at the front of a statement. But that was the point... Maybe a Statementlist is a series of StatementNL followed by a Statement We allow StatementNL -> Statement Newlines as a general catch-all, but when we have something like if, or anything with an optional tail "else:" or "case:" We say: StatementNL -> if Expression Block Newlines But that would produce a conflict with Statement -> if Expression Block As a newline could either trigger a reduce to Statement, or a shift. Obviously we shift, but maybe we use precedence to force the point. Can we handle 'else if' ... IfStatementNL -> if Expression Block Newlines | if Expression Block else IfStatementNL ... I'm contemplating having the parser duplicate NL as necessary, so that if test: action can appear to be followed by 2 NL, one to terminate the 'action' statement and one to terminate the whole 'if'. This might mean I need to extend when NL are discarded - to ensure they don't get duplicated too much. 1/ if state does not permit newlines, discard 2/ else if I can reduce symbols all since start of line do that. 3/ else if can shift, do that 4/ else if only one symbol since newline, discard. 5/ else ERROR This means that we cannot recognise multiple newlines or does it. If we shift a Newline, that is since_newline=0; If we reduce that to Newlines, that is still since_newline=0 If 4/discard only applies when since_newline==1 -- we win. Currently since_newline essentially means the symbol contains a newline. So 'statements' usually does, but 'statement' doesn't. When we shift the newline and reduce, it all becomes since_newline=0. That is when we want to ignore newlines. 15jun2019 - still working this through.. Normally the parser does shift or else reduce or else error exceptions are TK_in which is simply recorded and TK_out: reduce until there is a TK_in in scope, then cancel, else error TK_newline: if not newline_permitted (indent since last starts_line state) Discard if can Reduce to at most start-of-line, reduce if can Shift, duplicate and Shift if can Reduce, do so if 0 since newline, Discard since_newline needs to be changed a bit. A TK_newline token *isn't* zero, it is N+1. The token *after* the NEWLINE is zero - so that Arg. I'm struggle with that fact that having shifted a newline, we are both at the end of a line, and at the start of the next. When I see a newline, I want to reduce until the end of line is in the same state as the start of that line. Maybe I do want newline to be a separator. What if I don't actually include the newline in the grammar, just like in/out. Instead we mark select productions as lines. This is like marking for precedence. A marked production is reduced when a newline is seen providing it won't contain any indents. So: if the reducable item in a state is marked, the start gets marked. When we see a newline, if the state is marked and the reduce size does not exceed since_indent, we reduce. Otherwise we discard. No... I need an error condition too. So I need the state to have a starts_line marking, when a new item is marked. So: productions can be marked $$NEWlINE which flags the production as line-like a state with an item with DOT at start of a line-like production is starts_line a state with an item with DOT at the end of a line-line product is ends_line We track indents as before. When we process an indent or newline, we set since_newline to 0 When we see a newline we do one of: if not newline_permitted, we discard if top state starts line, we discard else reduce or else error No..... A production -> { statements } needs to ignore newlines either side of statements. It is a multi-line production - newlines don't matter. Maybe there are several sorts of symbols: - in-line: must be broken across lines unless indented - line-like: is terminated (reduced) by a newline - multi-line: newlines are ignored We tag symbols which are line-like. Any symbol which can derive a line-like symbol is multi-line Any other symbol is in-line. So SimpleStatements, ifhead, elsepart, casepart etc are linelike $line SimpleStatements IfHead .... A state that is at the start of a linelike symbol starts_line Any state in a multi-line production starts_line if tos starts_line, newlines are ignored. else if there is an indent since the starts_line, newlines are ignored. But if there are symbols since starts_line, we have to reduce until are are in a starts_line start (or can see an indent). No.... Block -> : Statementlist is none of thse. It must be reduced by a newline, but isn't entirely line-like. Block -> { Statementlist } is multi-line but maybe Block here is neither. It only becomes linelike when it terminates a Statement, which is linelike. Or terminates an ifHead Should this be legal? a:=b;pass if something probably not. I want to require at least ';' or NEWLINE. That means I need to include NEWLINE in the grammar. Statements -> SimpleStatements ; Statement | Statements Statement | Statement if cond: if cond: a:=b NEWLINE reduces this down to IfHead IfHead -> IfHead NEWLINE Statement -> IfHead | IfHead ElsePart ElsePart -> else BLOCK | else IfHead | else IfHead ElsePart | ElsePart NEWLINE Statements -> Statements Statement | Statement if cond { statments } else { statements} but not if cond: statements else: statements so :statements must expect a NEWLINE but then if cond: if cond: statement expects 2 NEWLINEs. Maybe Block -> : IN statments NEWLINE if there is no indent, we synth one which triggers an OUT NEWLINE pair. This could be automatic. If a linelike is followed by a newline, we synthesis an IN before it. That requires a hack to the scanner: Synth Indent What if Block -> { Statements } | : Statements NEWLINE | : SimpleStatements Then if Expr Block might not end in a NEWLINE so else could come immediately. Is that OK? if expr: a:=0 if expr must be forbidden. That requires a newline. Block -> : IN statements OUT NEWLINE In marks state as 'needs_indent' If an indent arrives, fine. If something else, we record that next newline (After balanced in/out) must synth extra out/newline. Block -> { Statements } | : statementblock statementblock -> Statements $$line $$line means it must be reduced by a newline. If something else tries, it is an error and we skip to newline. It also strips everything but NEWLINE from the (effective) lookahead to avoid reporting conficts, as those things will never be shifted. IfHead -> if Expr Block | IFHead NEWLINE Block -> { statements } | : statements $$line IfStatement -> IfHead | IfHead IfTail | IfHead else IfStatement IfTail -> else Block | IfTail NEWLINE ------ 20jun2019 Happy 87th birthday Dad. I'm not convinced about $$NEWLINE else: simplestatementlist should be able to parse simplestatementlist without a newline, and use the newline to close the if/else. where as else: statementlist has a newline to close the statementlist and another to close the if/else. But can the LR parser tell the difference? It only sees that newlines don't forcibly reduce the else: So when it sees the newline at the end of simplestatementlist, it cannto shift because there is a sub-line thing that can be reduced. So this becomes elsepart before the newline is absorbed. Whereas in statementlist, the newline can be shifted creating simplestatementline. What about if cond: if cond: statement Again, the newline cannot be shifted while we can reduce But.... how does conflict analysis know that an 'if', for example, is not permitted after simplestatementlist? Ahh.. This is exactly what $$NEWLINE is for. Maybe it should be $$OUT. Either way, the grammar is ambiguous and relies on newlines or indentation to close the production, and this fact needs to be explicit. Requiring OUT is probably best as it means if cond: statements else: statements works even though there is no newline after the first statements. Here I want the 'statements' to be closed by OUT, but the whole to be closed by NEWLINE. So maybe I need both $$NEWLINE and $$OUT ?? $$OUT makes lots of sense. It is exactly how we expect :statements to be closed - where we allow NEWLINE to have the same effect. $$NEWLINE is good for closing an complex if or for etc. It means that nothing else can be on the same line - allowing for indents. How do we implement that? Any production in the grammar that represents a full line but doesn't end with a newline should be marked $$NEWLINE This head of that production should recursively absorb NEWLINEs. I'm not yet clear on exactly the difference bwetween $$OUT and $$NEWLINE. I would put $$OUT after block -> : Statements $$OUT and $$NEWLINE at the end of a statement that must end a line condstatement -> Ifpart IfSuffix $$NEWLINE | constatement NEWLINE Maybe I need a worked example. while conda: if condb: if condc: action pass So after action there is NL OUT NL pass The NL sees that it can reduce, and the if allows the NL to reduce it so while COND : IN if COND : statement [ NL OUT NL ] again the NL can reduce. Note that we *don'* absorb the NL in the statement while COND : in statement [ NL OUT NL ] Now we can shift the NL while COND : IN statment [ OUT NL ] Now the OUT forces a reduction while COND BLOCK(in) [ OUT NL ] Now the out is cancelled while COND BLOCK [NL] and the while is reduced. So the $$NEWLINE must always see a newline (or $$EOF) An $$OUT must see an OUT or a NEWLINE (if there was no IN) $$OUT causes the LA set for items with the production to be empty. It is never credible that anything will be shifted so any apparent LA contents can be ignored. The state when a $$OUT is reducible has a recedence higher than any terminal, so nothing can be shifted and no completion should be possible. The state when a $$NEWLINE is reducible is much the same. Maybe I don't want NEWLINE in the grammar, only $$NEWLINE?? How would we recognize a blank line? command -> $$NEWLINE ?? We would need a new rule for discarding newlines. e.g. when the top-but-one state is start-of-line we discard and mark the top state s-o-l. That stops us discarding a newline until it reduces something that is at the start of a line.... 1/ if there is an indent since the last start-of-line state, discard NEWLINEs 2/ if .... Q: When is a NEWLINE an error? A: when it isn't ignored and we cannot reduce and top or top-but-one state isn't starts_line.?? So we need extra state info and extra frame info. State has: - starts-line - is at start of a $$NEWLINE production - ends-line - is at end of unreduced $NEWLINE production - ends-indent - is at the end of a $$OUT production - min-prefix - how far back a 'in' can be and still cancel Frame has: - indents - count in or after that sym - line_start - is the was a line start (IN or NEWLINE) immediately after the symbol - newline_permitted: no indent since start-line - since_indent: number of frames where indents==0 - since_newline: number of frames where line_start==0 If we see a NEWLINE then: if ! newline_permitted, discard elseif can reduce and reduce_count <= since_newline - reduce elseif since_newline <= 1, and state.starts-line, discard and record line_start else error If we see an IN increment indents, set line_start If we see an OUT if reduce_size <= since_indent, reduce if min_prefix >= since_indent, cancel else error How does error handling work? Normally we pop states until we can shift ERROR Then we discard tokens until we can shift one. However we need to do something different for IN OUT NEWLINE. For IN, we simply increment a counter For OUT we decrement if it is positive. If it is zero and the state ends-indent, then we are synced. If it doesn't, we need to pop more states until we have an indent to cancel. For NEWLINE if the state ends-line or ends-indent and ...something... we are synced. else we skip it?? ... no, that doesn't work because I cannot see a way to describe an optional newline. Let's try with just $$OUT which requires OUT or NEWLINE... We put $$OUT on productions that must be closed in a 2-d obvious way. So they can be at the end of a line or at the end of an indente block. So : statements $OUT means the next line after the : cannot be indented. However Block -> : statementline | : statementblock | { statements } statementblock -> statements $NEWLINE means I can have else indented, or on same line as single statement if cond: a = b; else: b = a if cond: a = b else: b = a The whole 'if' needs a $NEWLINE marking to ensure a following statement isn't indented. So implementation is almost exactly what I have: - if anything else is lookahead when reducing that production, it is an error. - remove non-newlines from lookahead in items But I don't think $$OUT is quite what I want to call it. That doesn't quote cover end-of-line possibilities. Maybe allow $$NEWLINE or $$OUT but with same behaviour. .... still not there. Another way to satisfy a $$OUT reduction is for it to already look right. So: No indents and at start-of-line But that upsets the modification to look-ahead as we can no longer assume the next token. I think this might be more like a precedence thing?? Without look-ahead modification, the first token of a statement can be shifted before a newline forces a reduction.... Maybe I do need two sorts productions. $$OUT requires an out/newline to reduce it. $$NEWLINE follows either $$OUT or NEWLINE and requires start-of-line and no indents. or $$OUT or $$NEWLINE Or does it matter. Over-modification of the look-ahead suppresses warnings, but doesn't affect the parse. Will we get warnings anyway? -------- Are left-recursive symbols in a non-final position always bad? Left-recursive symbols cannot be closed by forcing a reduction. So if one starts in an indented region (in which newlines are ignored) it could continue afterwards - unless we make that an explicit error somehow. If they appear at the end of some other production, that one will (maybe) be reduced as well so (maybe) no problem... if cond: a() b() c() is weird and I want to forbid it. Al that is between b() and c() is NL OUT IN. NL closed b(), so it is just OUT IN So I do want the statementlist to close. a := 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 is very wrong. How much can I help? The OUT will reduce "1 + 2" which will then become ((1 + 2) * 3) + 4 which would be highly confusing. So something about this must be disallowed. Maybe when newlines are ignored, OUT doesn't force a reduce?? I can make it an error by having Expression reduce to something else. Do I want an error even for 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 ?? I could achieve that by adding extra checks when we SHIFT at start of line. If we could reduce tokens since previous SOL, then we have 2D ambiguity. 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 That is just as ambiguous, but we cannot reduce anything. When we see the second '+', the reduction crosses a line-start but doesn't result in a line-start. So: a reduce that doesn't contain an indent, but does contain a start-of-line must reduce to that start of a line. This means we need to keep the start-of-line when we "IGNORE" a newline. Can I use this sort of logic to avoid the need for the extra reduction, or for the $$OUT markings?? 1/ The point of extra reduction is to avoid consuming more after an OUT or ignored NL. if cond: a() b() c() must be an error. The OUT reduced a()b(). The stack is then if cond : statements(n1) . IN Ident The first indent is gone. . There is no error until we see all of c() so if cond : statements(n1) simplestatement(i) . NL OUT NL Is it problen that the simplestatement is indented? if cond : statements(n1) statement(i) . OUT NL Q: is it an error to reduce a sequence containing an (uncancelled) indent? 2/ The $$OUT markings guard against exactly a reduction containing an uncancelled IN. So maybe I have two new rules. 1/ a reduction must not include any uncancelled indent. pop() must return 0. 2/ a reduction the contains an unindented start-of-line must begin with start-of-line. So when we cancel an indent, we also cancel line starts since there. One other value of $$OUT is that is avoided conflicts - most symbols could not be shifted. That should have only applied to $$NEWLINE(!) and doesn't apply at all if I drop the marking and use internal rules instead. So how do I avoid reporting conflicts? Really, there shouldn't be any conflict as NEWLINE should be expected. Let's go back to that idea. 1/ A linelike thing MAY start with Newlines and MUST end with a NEWLINE 2/ A SimpleStatement is not linelike and doesn't include and Newlines 3/ if condition : SimpleStatement is a SimpleStatement. 4/ When we see the NEWLINE after "if condition : SimpleStatement" we have a shift/reduce conflict as we could SHIFT to make a complex statement, or reduce the whole thing to a SimpleStatement. Default action is SHIFT but in this case we want REDUCE - due to precedence? However when we see the NEWLINE after "if condition :IN Simplestatement" we cannot REDUCE as there is an cancelled indent, so we have to shift. But when we reduce, we only want to Reduce to IfHead so that an 'else' can appear on the next line. If we see IN .. just continue. What do I need to do: 1/ Change grammer to expect blank-lines before and to have a NEWLINE at the end of any line-like thing. This requires IfHeadNL and IfHead. ditto for switch, while, then ... This get complex with for a:=0; then a += 1; while a < 10: which could have several newlines for a:=0 then a+=1 ; while a < 10: ForPart -> for simplestatements ; | for simplestatements NEWLINE | for Block | Newlines ForPart ThenPart -> then SimpleStatements ; | then SimpleStatements NEWLINE | then BLOCK | Newlines ThenPart 2/ disallow Reduce when embedded indents - report ERROR 3/ disallow Reduce when embedded start-of-line. 4/ TK_newline uses these rules to decide when to force a reduce. A/ A parser symbol that starts after an IN must end before the OUT B/ A parser symbol that starts before an IN must end at-or-after the OUT only if if the symbol is not line-like ??? C/ A parser symbol that starts after a line-start and before an indent must end by the end of line D/ A parser symbol that starts at a line-start must end before the end-of-line, or at a subsequent end-of-line. A is satisfied by forcing a reduce on OUT and reporting error if IN cannot be cancelled B is satisfied if we report an error if we try to reduce an uncancelled IN C is satisfied by forcing a reduce *after* shifting NL and reporting ERROR if min_prefix exceeds the line D is satisfied if we report an error when reducing at eol crosses a NL and doesn't start at start-of-line. C is interesting - do we reduce *after* shifting NL?? I think we do, yes. So: when can I suppress conflicts, and how do I handle reduce/reduce conflicts? I need to be sure that a line-like ends with an unindented newline. I can trigger an error when that doesn't happen, but I want more. I want to encourage it to happen. So if the grammar allows a NEWLINE it will be shifted in, but if we have already seen an OUT, we ignore the NEWLINE rather than trigger an error. Also, I need to not report shift/reduce conflicts on whatever comes next. i.e. if a -> b c and c can end with a, then both c and a can be followed by the same things. This is a conflict. If c (and a) end with NEWLINE we declare the conflict resolved. An IfHead might not end with a NEWLINE. So to make a statement we need to follow it with an optional NEWLINE. Let's see if we can make that work. What is a SimpleCondStatement? It has no blank lines or unindented breaks.. ForPart ThenPart WhilePart CondSuffix OptNL We don't need a distinct Simple class!! If it didn't start at SOL, then unindented NEWLINEs must be terminal Wooho!! This requires that "Statements" doesn't insist on following NEWLINE A SimpleStatement can be followed by a ';', a Statement cannot. That different is still needed. So SimpleStatements -> SimpleStatement | SimpleStatements ; SimpleStatement SimpleStatements can end with a ComplexStatement and no NEWLINE. ComplexStatements must end with a NEWLINE after each statement except the last Each Part (including SSlist) end with arbitrary NEWLINEs. These will only ever be at the same indent level. A ComplexStatement must be separated from next by a NEWLINE. So if the final non-empty Part does not end with NEWLINEs, how do we require one? Maybe not.. What if a Part doesn't end with NEWLINE ever, but can start with them CondStatement -> IfPart Newlines | IfPart IfTail... I think I need a CondStatement which doesn't end with a newline and a CondStatementNL which does. Then anything that can end a cond statement must come in two versions. IfPart ElsePart CasePart WhilePart CondSuffix If we expect the non-NL, we accept the NL but not vice-versa. ------ problem. in if cond: cmd1 cmd2 the 'if' that started before the indent must finish at/after the indent. But in if a = b or c = d : do something The Expr that started before the first indent may finish well before the indent finishes. I think this is because Expr is not linelike but 'if' is. So I don't want an error when reducing if there is an indent, unless the new top start starts_line ... OK, I'm up to the part where I need to hide conflicts that I can automatically resolve. I have: State 7 has 2 (or more) reducible items IfHead -> IfHeadNL . [25] IfStatementNL -> IfHeadNL . [27] (2Right) State 35 has 2 (or more) reducible items IfTailNL -> else IfStatementNL . [32] (2Right) IfStatement -> IfStatementNL . [30] I need to clarify the rules that I'm working with. 1/ Statements might not end with a NL but as it is linelike... 2/ IfHeadNL IfStatementNL IfTailNL all end with a NEWLINE IfHead IfStatement IfTail might not (but they may) Why did I want IfHead -> IfHeadNL?? Because I might have if cond: action else: bar No, that is still an IfStatementNL. Once there is any NL, we cannot fit it on a line. Hmm... the FooNL pattern is getting out of control. Why do I need this again? Because when "if cond : statements" is followed by a NEWLINE I need to hang on to the parser state - not reducing to statement - until I see an 'else' or don't. If I do see the else, the difference doesn't matter. If I don't then I need to know if I have a NEWLINE. So I could have IfHead -> if Expression : Statements IfHeadNL -> IfHead Newlines IfElse -> IfHead else | IfHeadNL else Statement -> IfHeadNL But I want "if Expr then SimpleStatements" where SimpleStatements can end with "IfHead" So when I see: if foo : if bar : baz NEWLINE That NEWLINE mustn't turn "if bar: baz" into an IfHeadNL We need to first turn "if bar: baz" into a SimpleStatement, then "if foo : SimpleStatement" into an "IfHead", but NOT into a SimpleStatement. Arg. I might not know to reduce something until I've seen an IN. It is the 'else' What if an Statement *always* ends with a newline. So if Expr : Statement also ends with a newline and can be a statement But if there is an IN after ':' the newline is hidden. So that doesn't work. What if a NEWLINE absolutely has to be at the top level. If a symbol contains a NEWLINE, then it must be at the start of a line, possibly indented. So if it isn't indented, it mustn't contain a NEWLINE - no NEWLINE will get shifted in. Statement -> if Expr : Statements | SimpleStatements What does Statements look like? It must end a NEWLINE Statements -> Statements Statement NEWLINE | Statement NEWLINE | Statements NEWLINE | SimpleStatements SimpleStatements -> SimplePrefix ; Statement SimplePrefix -> SimpleStatement | SimplePrefix ; SimpleStatement 01July2019 I think I have a very different approach - it incorporates a lot of the ideas so far and is maybe better. From the top: We have a simplified SLR(1) grammar where each state has at most one reducible production. We don't have an action table, but use the goto table to decide if a terminal can be shifted. If it can, we do. If it cannot, we reduce or trigger an error. Onto this we add handling for IN/OUT and NL. NL can appear int the grammar, IN/OUT cannot. Any non-terminal which can derive a NL is deemed "line-like". Such non-terminals will normally appear at the start of a line - possibly indented. These non-terminals can have some productions that have a NL (usually at the end) and some that contain no NL. If a non-terminal appears other than at the start of a line then no NL will ever be shifted into it, so a production without NL will be used. If it does appear at the start of a line, then any production can be used, though it must end up ending in a NL. The above paints an incorrect picture of how LR parsing works. At any given time you don't know what non-terminal is being matched, so we cannot exclude NL based on the non-terminal. We only know what parser state(s) we are in. So: any parser state which is at the start of a line-like non-terminal is flagged as "starts_line". Also, in each start we store a "min prefix" which is the minimum non-zero number of symbols before "dot" in any item in the set. This given a sense of where we are in the parse. If min_prefix if the top state is less than the number of symbols since start-of-line, then we will not SHIFT a newline. Indents (IN) are recorded after the symbol they follow. If there is an IN since the most recent starts_line state, the any NL is ignored. An OUT will cancel the most recent IN, providing is in the top min_prefix symbols. If not, we need to reduce something first. So when we see an OUT, we reduce until we can cancel. When we see a NL, we reduce until the min_prefix reaches at least to the start of the line. Then we can shift the NL. After shifting the NL, the whole line should be reduced. When a line-like non-terminal produces a sequence that *doesn't* end with an explicit NEWLINE, the grammar analysis ensures that nothing can be shifted in after the end of the production. This forces it to be reduced into the non-terminal. For example simplestatement -> var = expr | print expr simplestatements -> simplestatement | simplestatements simplestatement SSline -> simplestatements NEWLINE | simplestatements ; condstatement NEWLINE statement ->.. | simplestatements NEWLINE | simplestatements ; statement | if expr then statements NEWLINE | if expr then statements Newlines else statements NEWLINE When a non-terminal is explicitly followed by a NEWLINE, it is line-like also if it contains a NEWLINE or linelike, it is linelike. ifhead -> if expr : statements | ifhead NEWLINE iftail -> else : statements | else ifstatement ifstatement -> ifhead | ifhead iftail statement -> simplelist | ifstatement | Newlines simplelist | Newlines ifstatement statements -> statement | statements statement A line-like that contains newlines must be reduced by OUT or NEWLINE. How can I know that a statements can be followed by else in if cond : statements else: statements or IfHead IfTail bit not by 'if' in statements statement Maybe I could have a $sol token. If at $sol, and cannot shift then try shifting $sol.. then statements -> statements $sol statement or maybe $eol is better, then we can have NEWLINEs start start of statement. OR maybe either... $linebreak is shifted if previous or next is NEWLINE An IN doesn't allow a LINEBREAK. Just to repeat myself: Arg. I might not know to reduce something until I've seen an IN. It is the 'else' After above, new approach: IfHead and Statement have NL versions, nothing else does. MAybe fixed the above... So StatementNL -> Statement NEWLINE | IfHeadNL Statements -> StatmentNL | Statements StatementNL StatementList -> Statement | Statements Block -> : Statements | Open Statements Close IfStatement -> IfHead | IfHead IfTail | IfHeadNL IfTail IfHead -> if Expr Block IfHeadNL -> IfHead NEWLINE | IfHeadNL NEWLINE IfTail -> else Block | else IfStatement Close, but the IfHeadNL in "else IfStatement" cannot accept newlines. What if IfHead -> if Expr Block | IfHeadNL else IfHead | IfHead else IfHead No, I think I have to take a totally different approach. IfPart elsepart switchpart whilepart etc are all syntactically valid as stand-alone statements in the base grammar. We use the code to fail a stand-alone elsepart the isn't preceeded by an ifpart, whilepart or casepart. So statements never contain newlines, only the statement-list does. If puts a NEWLINE at the end of each statement statementlist -> statement | statementlist NEWLINE statement statement can be empty string, thus allowing blank lines and a NEWLINE at the end, which the parser will require. [[ thought experiment - interestibg, but gets unwieldy with more complex statements statements -> simpleline NL statements | ifhead NL iftail NL statements | ifhead NL statements | ifstatement NL statements iftail -> else block | else ifhead iftail | NL iftail ifhead -> Newlines if expr block ifstatement -> ifhead iftail ]] 13oct2020 - much later. Maybe a different approach to newlines. Never shift them, only use them like indent to guide parsing. IN is just recorded OUT must reduce until top symbol contains an IN, which is cancelled. Some productions are flagged as $$NEWLINE (or similar) meaning that they can only be reduced as a whole number of lines. When we see a newline, we record that until a non-newline is seen. If we cannot shift and so choose to reduce: if the production doesn't require a newline - we just reduce. If it does, and we have recently seen a newline, again we reduce. Otherwise, we signal an error and (maybe) shift until we see a newline. NOTE the newline only counts if there are no indents. This means that a = b + c would be parsed as a statement, which I don't want. But I do want if foo: bar else: baz to be a single statement. So a new line in some context must force a reduction, like OUT. When exactly does a newline force? An OUT forces a reduction until the top symbol has the matching indent. A NEWLINE ?? Must depend on the grammar. Q: Can this be only about resolving ambiguity and reporting errors? If the default is to shift if we can, reduce otherwise, then 2D causing an early reduce can resolve ambiguity. If certain productions must end at EOL, and error is thrown if they don't. That latter really must be a gramatically need to shift a newline. Maybe I'm wrong about reporting errors. Maybe they should always come from a failure to shift or reduce. One of my problems was if foo: if bar: dostuff where the newline at the end needs to reduce everything, so I can require at most one newline in the grammar. It probably should be required for the first 'if' Stmt -> if Cond : StLstNL StLstNL -> StLst NL StLst -> Stmt | StLst ; Stmt | SlLst NLs Stmt | NLs StLst IfSt -> IfHead NONO. I don't want some statements that end with NL and some that don't. - Record indent with preceding token and line-start with following - when reducing all indents are accumulated into the new symbol, and the line-start of first symbol is preserved. Other line-starts are dropped - When OUT in lookahead, there is an indent within 'min_prefix' of top state, decrement closest indent count and discard the OUT - When OUT in lookahead and cannot be discarded and top state can be reduced, reduce it - When OUT canot be discarded or reduce, and error is triggered. - No production can be reduced if it contains unmatched indents. If cannot shift, then error. - Some productions are marked as $LINE - any state that contains an item at the start of a $LINE is marked 'starts line' - if there is an indent more recent than a starts-line state, or the top state starts_Line, newlines are ignored. - if a newline is seen but not ignored, and the top state can be reduced, it is reduced. - A $LINE production can only be reduced by a newline, or, if it didn't start at start-of-line, by an OUT so Block -> : statementlist $LINE I want to be sure that if cond { statements } else { more } is OK. Here the "IfHead" doesn't end on a newline, but the state that is expecting 'Block' 'starts-line'. I guess as "Block -> { statementslist }" isn't a $LINE, it can be reduced by 'else'. 24oct2020 Maybe I don't want TK_out to force a reduce (mostly). Maybe the grammar should be in control. So when we see an OUT we record it off-stack. If we reduce for some other REASON and the top state contains an indent, we cancel. When we decide to SHIFT, if the top of stack has -ve indent, that is an error. So with C, if (cond) { s1; s2; s2; would show an error when s2 was shifted. if (cond) s1; s2; needs to show an error too. The "if(Cond)s1;" statement would have an internal indent. So maybe the requirement is that no symbol has unbalanced internal indents. When we shift we require that top balances first. So we count up outs and ins. There can be several OUTs and at most on IN before a terminal. If the terminal can be shifted, the top symbol must have no internal indents after cancelling with out, and there must be no outstanding TK_outs If the terminal cannot be shifted we reduce and we must have enough outs to balance anything within the reduction. So indents on the stack are always between symbols. Each frame has a symbol, the indent after it etc. If we don't have enough outs to complete a reduction we raise an error and need to discard (or shift/reduce) until we find an 'out'. If there are too many outs to shift we again need an error which will hopefully let us reduce and cancel some outs - just discarding states will help with that. So: outs must cancel, following token must envourage reductions Some productions end with newline, their start state is 'starts-line', and if there is an indent since a starts-line, we ignore newlines. If we don't ignore newlines, then there is a starts-line state that we should reduce to. If we don't have enough symbols yet, we error. So if we see a newline, we reduce until the newline would be ignored. If that state expects a newline and we don't have one, we error. Except.. I sometimes want OUT to work like a newline. If I need a newline and reduction isn't to start of line If state expects newline and we don't have one but do have OUTs we reduce as long as there are enough outs and raise an error if we end up at start of line. Do I want to require that a newline be shifted? We can synthesize one when minprefix is less than since newline and we have an out. Summary of stuff. A shift requires there be no pending OUT ?? A reduce requires there be no pending indent, i.e that indents within the reduction don't exceed outs. NO this doesn't work. A IN increments the indent on the top frame - never causes error An OUT decrements indent in a frame within min_prefix, or error A NEWLINE is either ignored or shifted, but is duplicated when shifted. After an OUT is handled, if a NEWLINE is expected but will only reduce a partial line, it is provided. if foo: if bar: stuff bazz This effectively pretends there was a IN at the start of the "line", and we are not doing two OUTs with a NEWLINE between. if foo: if bar: stuff baz Do I really want to shift newlines: yes: simpler grammer no: don't need to record min-prefix. I think 'yes'. So discard $NEWLINE Place NEWLINE in the grammar When completing a state, if any production contains NEWLINE, record as StartsLine --- My idea of ignoring newline when the top state is a starts_line state isn't working. The idea was that reducing statement -> assignment NEWLINE would leave at a starts_line start, so NEWLINEs would be ignored. But this leaves us at a ' ... statement . ' state e.g. " Statementlist -> Statement . " which reduces to "Statementlist -> Statementlist . Statement" 30oct2020 Review: because it isn't working (as usual). Indenting have 2 effects: - it triggers errors when something looks wrong - it causes newlines to be sometimes ignored. Specifically: - A symbol that starts indented must finish while still indented. So an OUT cannot cancel an IN except in the top phrase, and an attempt to shift while there are pending OUTs is an error. - A symbol that begins at the start of line and contains an indent may only be the top symbol - shifting before an OUT cancels the indent is an error. - Newlines are ignored when there is an indent since a starts-line state Procedurally: - There can be one IN and several OUTs pending - we update the counters as they are seen. - If there are pending OUTs and their is an indent in the top phrase, we can cancel an indent. - a SHIFT becomes an error if the top symbol has an indent and started at beginning of line - a SHIFT becomes an error if there are pending OUTs - a SHIFT that is not an error first imposes the IN on the top of stack - REDUCE may happen at any time. Newlines, when not ignored, are repeating terminals. An indefinite series is generated until a state is reached where they are ignored. The expectation is that they will be shifted (possibly after some reductions) and then a reduction will happen which changes the state appropriately. It is vital that no recursive production keeps consuming newlines foo -> foo NEWLINE as that will be fed indefinitely, or if newlines are ignored, will never reduce. NEWLINEs are recognized if there is a starts_line state since the most recent indent, but not when the current state is starts_line. So once we reach starts_line, we ignore newlines until something else is shifted. Or maybe only a starts_line state at the start of a line? A starts_line state has an item "head -> . stuff NEWLINE" So if were just reduce 'foo -> foo NEWLINE' then we are at the end of foo, so an earlier state with have ".foo" and so "foo -> . foo NEWLINE" and so will be starts_line. So we will always accept a NEWLINE. So these must be disallowed. How does "if cond : if cond : print NEWLINE" parse? "block -> : slist NEWLINE" "slist -> statment | slist statement" "statement -> print NEWLINE | if cond block NEWLINE" so starts_line are before statement or ':' - I don't want that as it would allow a newline before ':' to be ignored. Maybe I want starts AFTER a NEWLINE?? Did I do that before? So after block, after statement, after slist.. but we expect NEWLINE there. Maybe the important states are "foo -> baz . stuff NEWLINE". Once we've entered a path to a NEWLINE, we need to be ready for it. So: after :, after print after if and cond and block The repeating newlines are hurting now. The rule to start ignoring them isn't working. ifhead else if expr : statementlist [NEWLINE] the NEWLINE should be ignored. There is an indent after ':' but final state is startsline because this could be the end of a block -> : statementlist NEWLINE But I want that newline to be ignored because of the indent. if (A) b; c; why is that bad? How can we know? Because we reduce to start-of-line and still have an indent. a = b + c + d * I need some good examples to remind myself. Why do I want min_prefix? I allow indents to be cancels within min_prefix cmd -> { statements } 01nov2020 ARRRGGHHH I keep going down rabbit holes. I need to take a more mathematical approach and present clearly what I have and what I need. The big issue, for the moment at least, is when to ignore newlines. I REALLY like the idea of newlines being repeating until they are ignored. I definitely like that they are ignored after an indent unless they are explicitly expected. I need to ensure they are not expected at awkward places, like the start of a line. I want to be careful of making LL assumptions about the LR grammar. i.e. I cannot assume the end from the beginning - that is was LL does. I want the appearance of a newline to only make a difference once it appears. But at the point that it appears we need to know if it is to be ignored. In a = b + NEWLINE it isn't ignored event though it isn't expected exactly here. In a = b + (IN) c + NEWLINE it is ignored and the difference is that no state since the IN expects a newline. To acknowledge LR approach we need to take the latest state. The start of line, before the 'a' is tempting but we hardly know anything there. After the 'a' is tempting, but that would mean after a[b+c].thing(foo) as well which seems to miss the point. Maybe something earlier sets the expectation? if cond : The ':' says newline-separated things are coming. So it is the state after the ':' which says 'newlines matter'. This will be after the indent. So if we saw if cond { then maybe newlines don't matter (depending on grammar) But a newline is ignored *at* that state, so that blank lines can be skipped. I think there is a 'statementlist' symbol and at the start or end of that symbol newlines are ignored. Within that symbol unindented newlines are significant. statementlist -> statement NEWLINE | statementlist statement NEWLINE 02nov2020 Can I drop the 'min-prefix' concept? The means that OUT can only cancel against an indent 'in' or immediately before the top symbol. This means we go back to keeping a 'starts_indented' flag and storing each indent with the following symbol. Then the 'ignore newline' test is since_starts_line > since_indent but since_indent is 0 fir there are internal indents and 1 if there is only a starts_indented indent. So a TK_in simply sets starts_indented for next TK_out is recorded Whenever top symbol has indents and outs are recorded, we cancel. If we want to shift with pending outs, that causes an error I need a reason to signal an error for if (a) b=1; c=1; based on indents. equally for if (c) b=1;c=1; If indent is a continuation, then 'c=1;' but be part of 'if...' before it is part of what comes before? This means the OUT will not be able to see the IN ... unless the whole statement list ends here.... In "a = IN b + c ; " the ';' causes a reduction to Assignment with indent so I must be happy for the 'c=' to reduce to 'ifstatement' with an indent, but reducing to the recursive 'statementlist' seems wrong. Maybe these left-recursive productions really are special. But what about 'expr -> expr + expr' ?? The rule I'm depending on is that I cannot shift with a pending OUT. So everything since the IN needs to compress to a single symbol. If the code is { if (a) b=1;c=1; } then the '}' will reduce to "{ statementlist" before shifting, so the OUT will be cancelled. The question is: how can we prevent that in the grammar? There are 2 OUTs (in this case) does that help? A comparable case is { foo; if (a) b=1;c=1; } In that case the two OUTs will be cancelled at clearly different times, but not real difference. { foo; if (a) b=1;c=1; bar; } Now the 'bar' will be blocked from shifting.... no it won't. I need a new rule - this *must* be wrong, even when we ignore newlines. But why? Because "b=1;c=1;" looks like a statementlist, but isn't. It isn't because a statementlist doesn't belong here, ony a block or a statement. How do I know that indent is continuing the 'if', not the statementlist. I need some marking on statementlist to say "Cannot be continued by indent" I guess that is what NEWLINE is for. So the rules would be "a suitably marked production cannot be reduced with outstanding indents. If nothing can be shifted, an error must be raised. These will typically be productions that end in a NEWLINE, but maybe any production from a symbol that can produce a NEWLINE, or that is marked $$something Back to TK_newline. These are duplicated on shift, but discarded when not wanted. They are not wanted unless there is a starts-line start below the current state, and more recent than the most recent indent. A starts-line state is any state which contains an item with a NEWLINE and dot at the start. statementlist -> statement NEWLINE | statementlist statement NEWLINE Q: how do nested 'if's resolve? if cond: if cond2: print else: die statement -> if cond block | if cond block else block The tokenization would be if cond : IN if cond2 : IN print NL OUT NL OUT IN else : IN die NL OUT NL OUT NL 1 2 A 2 B 1 3 4 C 4 D 3 E so NLs: A makes 'print' a statment, B makes 'if cond2' a statment, C makes 'die' a statement D is protected by IN/3 and is ignored. E makes if cond .. else.. a statement What if I also had | if cond block NEWLINE else block Then on seeing the NEWLINE I wouldn't know whether to shift it, or reduce to a statement. To fix that I would need: statementlist -> statement | statementlist statement statement -> simplestatements NEWLINE | if cond block NEWLINE | if cond block else block NEWLINE | if cond block else statement | if cond block NEWLINE else block | if cond block NEWLINE else statement But wait.... Allowing NEWLINE before 'else' confuses the parse of 'if cond:...' above. NL-B makes "if cond block NEWLINE" and then the else can be shifted, but that is illegal because of the negative indent. That means the negative indent must prevent SHIFT. Do I still need to know which symbols are 'line-like' ?? Yes, to make it easier to detect line-line productions which must contain unmatched indents. Do I need recursive line-like detection? For no-indent productions, it probably makes sense. For starts-line detection? I don't think so. 'block' isn't the start of a line. And not really needed for no-indent Do I need to worry about left-recursive symbols? I don't think so. There should always be some terminal - often NEWLINE - which will ensure the symbol isn't extended??.. or if it did we would get a parse error due to uncancelled OUT Do I need to split indents? A stack frame holds "symbol state". Indents are within or before the symbol. For cancelling with OUT, indents within and before the top state are equivalent. For hiding newlines the indent before the symbol is too distant. f->next_indented ? "/" : "", So: yes. Should I store them in the stack? "symbol+indents indent state" So when we see an indent, we mini-push that Any indent since state protects newline Out can be cancelled if top state has indents, or previous has trailing indent. Rather than an ignore_newline flag we need a outs_needed flag. This is how many outs are needed before we process newlines. If state is startsline, then outs_needed == infinity. Else it is a count of indents since a starts-line state. So maybe it is an indents_since_starts_line and we test state and indents. So: 1/ rearrange frame to include 'indented' in the top frame 2/ replace ignore_newline with indents_on_line 14nov2020 I'm getting close... Problem is correctly ignoring of newlines. I ignore them after an indent - that bit is easy. But I also ignore them at a start-line symbol - sometimes. INDENT statementlist NEWLINE should ignore the newline but INDENT statementlist if expr : stl if expr : stl NEWLINE should not (/0s) Statementlist (11s) IfHead (5) else (22) if (3) Expression (19) : (29s) Statementlist (40s) [NEWLINE:22:0] - Ignore This shouldn't Ignore. Is that because there is a non-'s' since the '/' ?? i.e Ignore newlines if all states since indent are startsline, or if none are. Don't count current state if it is startsline indents_on_line > outs || all_startsline(...) No - better, but no banana. if expr { statement; newline need to ignore even without the indent. So I need a new type of state - one that is at the start of Statementlist but not at the end. State 29 in the above, but not 40 (/0s) Statementlist (11s) if (3) Expression (19) { (30s) Statementlist (39s) [NEWLINE:34:0] - ERROR 18nov2020 So: I introduce "startsline" and "endsline" states. A state before a linelike symbol is startsline, a state after such a symbol is endsline. A state can be both, in which case we consider it 'endsline'. So 11 endsline, 30 startsline 39 endsline If there is an indent since the last startsline or endsline state, we ignore NEWLINE. If there are only start/end line states since indent, ignore newline if there are only endsline states since startsline, ignore newline - NO. I wonder if maybe I should have IN and OUT in the grammar. The tokens can still appear anywhere, but the production can only be reduced of there is an IN there. Block -> : IN Statementlist OUT | : SimpleStatements might get messy. But it already is messy. 20jan2021 Where am I? The big questions seems to be: when can/must I ignore NEWLINEs? Conversely when do they REDUCE or get SHIFTed? The answer must lie in what appears between the most recent INDENT and the NEWLINE. - if there are no startsline states, we can ignore. It seems that I need to be able to see the start of a block, either an indent, or a {.. But if there is a statementlist, surely a block started? No, that misses a point. INDENT ignores newlines because there will be a matching OUT Maybe { causes NEWLINEs to be ignored because there is a matching } expected? If a startesline state is at the end of a productions, it plays no role in NEWLINEs, but if it is followed by something 23jan2021 review/summary. We track indents and newlines. The goal is resolve ambiguities and detect errors. Ambiguities are resolved by forcing a REDUCE in some circumstances when an OUT or NEWLINE is seen. Errors happen when an there are too many OUTs. NEWLINEs are a normal part of a grammar, except that they get ignored sometimes when they are not relevant. and are protected. 1/ a production from a lineline symbol cannot be reduced while it contains an unbalanced indent, and so must be reduced before an excess OUT token is processed. 2/ NEWLINES are ignored if there is an IN since a start-of-line state Otherwise NEWLINEs must be in the grammar. This can be awkward where they are optional such as before an 'else'. To handle the fact that a structured statement can be multiple lines or few we need to build it up from the possible line-like parts. Maybe this means that ifpart, elsepart, whilepart, casepart etc need to be statements which are combined above the grammar level?? The reason has something to do with reducing to Statement when the newline is shifted. I wonder if that is really needed. if we have "ifpart -> if cond block" then that can be followed by elsepart, but we need a separate "ifpartNL -> ifpart NEWLINE | ifpartNL NEWLINE" which can also be followed by an elsepart, or can reduce to a statement ..but no. That isn't sufficient if NEWLINEs are indefinitely duplicated. So if we don't ignore newlines where they aren't needed, we cannot duplicate them. The need for duplicating was constructs like if cond : if cond2 : action which needed 2 NEWLINEs, one for each statement. Maybe the "if cond2 : action" needs to be a simplestatement. When we see the NEWLINE we can (must?) reduce anything that started since a start-of-line, which creates the simplestatement. So let's try dropping the infinite repeat and require newlines in the grammar Extra rules: - a production from lineline symbol cannot be reduced while it contains unbalanced indent - a NEWLINE is ignored if no startsline state since indent - a NEWLINE cannot be shifted unless top startsline is at start of line. So a NEWLINE is: - ignored if not startsline since indent - forces REDUCE if top startsline is not at start of line !!!!. i.e. don't shift - else can be SHIFTed. 26jan2021 - happy australia/invasion day I want ": simplestatements" to be a valid block, but not when there is an indent in the middle Previously this was resolved by having an SSLine -> simplestatements NEWLINE and the SHIFT of the NEWLINE outweights the reduction to block. And I have that now with Statement -> SimpleStatements NEWLINE... Ahh.. it is because I put Newlines before Statementlist. I guess a NEWLINE needs to be a Statement I currently suppress shift unless "outs == 0". That means if cond: statement else: doesn't shift the 'else' because the "out" isn't resolved. Without the leading space, the NEWLINE reduces to ifstatement, and I sort-of know that is an issue. So: why suppress SHIFT when there is an outstanding OUT... or better Question, why is this OUT still outstanding? Ahhh.. I misunderstood. I DO want to reduce that 'if' because it is nested. I have an IfStatement what needs to reduce to a Statement and merge with a Statementlist, so the OUT can be cancelled and then the 'else' shifted. BUT as 'else' is the lookahead.... I need NEWLINE to reduce IfStatement to Statement. But even with a NEWLINE we don't SHIFT that because we still have that OUT to clear. So how do I clear an OUT ?? It can only be cancelled when the matching IN reaches TOS, which requires the NEWLINE to be shifted. We cannot shift the newline early, partly because that would be wrong, and partly because it gets reduced to a statement and disappears. Hmmm. After blocking SHIFT(NL) when we don't have a line I see progress but not there yet. if false { print = OK } else { After the OK is NL OUT NL The first NL is shifted and reduces down to Statementlist and the OUT cancels. But now the NL doesn't belong. Can I explicitly allow NL before } ?? No, because it doesn't even SHIFT. It cannot because the Statementlist doesn't appear to be sol - the OUT hide that and it now looks like if expr { statementlist Arggh. I think I need to hide the starts-line state in this context. More thinking needed. I introduced the shift-block to make sure the NEWLINE paired with the right line. Here the NEWLINE should probably be ignored. But why? It isn't indented, but it is inside a multiline thingy. Might be better to explicitly allow it and find some way to let it be SHIFTed. Problem is that the Statementlist is linelike, but I don't want that here. Hard to avoid when the statements are and must be linelike. Maybe I need a way to hide linelike-ness. Maybe a state should only be startline if the core item has dot followed by a single symbol (which can derive a newline) ?? 27jan2021 I need a new idea concerning starts-line states. I need some refinement somehow The state block -> { statementlist . } should ignore newlines - providing statementlist isn't recursive - but doesn't because block -> { . statementlist } is further up the stack, and that is a startsline state Maybe the thing is that the latter is startsline only because of statementlist, and now that statementlist is gone, the startsline-ness lapses. So in the former state, it is not startsline, and it is not terminal, so it suppresses a startlines state 2 levels up. But does that help? We would suppress the startsline-ness but there are no remaining indents to ignore the newline. Why can I ignore a newline in "if cond { st }" but not in "a = ( x )" ?? Ahhh. This helps because the new top startsline would be at the start of a line, so newlines can be shifted. The grammar can explicitly allow a newline there... only then the state becomes a startsline state?? or does it? But it is the top state, so it doesn't matter. Rule: a NEWLINE cannot be SHIFTed if the topmost active startlines state is not at the start of a line non-indented. This is because newline must be meant to end a line started earlier - where starts-line was at the beginning of a line. The stop state is never "active" as the line it would start hasn't actually started. If the shifted newline reduces immediately, the grammar is probably broken. Also a state is inactive if a subsequent state declares it to be. This happens when a state is non-terminal (not reducable), and is not startsline. The smallest prefix length of all core items indicates how many preceding states are deactivated. If min-prefix is N, then N-1 starts are deactivated. So what do I need to code: - I need to record with each state how far back it suppresses start-line states. - enhance test for shifting newline 30jan2021 OK, the parsing code seems to do what I want, now I need to fix the grammar. The context is structure statements which contain lines. e.g. if cond: statements else: statements The "if cond: statements" is a while line so it looks like a statement. But then we see "else" which isn't the start of a statement. I've considered two avenues. 1/ decide that "else: statements" is a valid statement and generate errors in the semantics analysis if the preceeding statement doesn't like the else. 2/ enumerate all the possibilities to the grammar as 1 or more lines. ifstatement -> ifline | ifheadline elseline ... But that seems problematic with cascaded "else if" So let's try avenue 1. "else block" and "else ifstatement" are statements. 03feb2021 indent_test seems to work, now trying to convert ocean. My plan is that the various parts of a condstatement can either be all on one "line", or some of them on their own lines. The parts are: for then while do case* else switch case* else if then else a for,while,switch,if,do can start a statement and this determines what other parts are allowed. So we need to allow continuations of after for then? while case* else? after while do* case* else? after switch case* else? after if then? else? after do -nothing But wait... what happens with "else"? I want to allow "else" to be followed by a CondStatement so if cond: stuff else if cond: sufff works. I guess there is not much of an issue there the 'else' becomes an option prefix to a condstatement Callinfg var_block_close at the right time might be awkward as we don't know when we are parsing the end of a CondStatement. Pause and reflect: what is the problem we are trying to solve, and does it still apply? The problem is newlines. When we see one we don't know whether to reduce to a Statement or just to an (e.g.) IfPart. We would need to allow several Newlines while staying at IfPart. Then if we see 'else' we shift that, otherwise reduce to Statement ifstatement -> ifhead elsepart | ifheadnl elsepart | ifheadnl But wait... indent_test is broken!! If I indent the 'else' one space, it looks like an ElseStatement after the Statementlist that should be closed - but is recursive. I can change it to a BStatementlist, but there is nothing to force that to reduce. We prevent shifting until the outdent is cleared, but that happens with the Statementlist. Maybe don't clear the outdent if the top symbol state had a reduce-length of 1.?? OK.. that's fixed. Let's get back to the bigger problem. A statement can be: -> | simplestatements NEWLINEs | IfHeadNL | IfHead IfSuffixNL | IfHeadNL IfSuffixBL | SwitchPart CondSuffixNL | SwitchPartNL CondSuffixNL | WhilePart CondSuffixNL | WhilePartNL CondSuffixNL | ForPart WhilePart CondSuffixNL | ForPart WhilePartNL CondSuffixNL | ForPartNL WhilePart CondSuffixNL | ForPartNL WhilePartNL CondSuffixNL ... and some for ThenPart and ThenPartNL ForPart -> for simplestatements | for Block ForPartNL -> ForPart NEWLINE | ForPartNL NEWLINE IfHeadNL -> IfHead NEWLINE | IfHeadNL NEWLINE IfSuffixNL -> IfSuffix NEWLINE | else Block NEWLINE | else statement SwitchPart -> switch Expr | switch Block SwitchPartNL -> SwitchPart NEWLINE | SwitchPartNL NEWLINE CondSuffixNL -> IfSuffixNL | CasePart CondSuffixNL | CasePartNL CondSuffixNL CasePart -> case Expr Block CasePartNL -> CasePart NEWLINE | CarePartNL NEWLINE 05feb2021 Above looks promising but doesn't quite work. The "statement" after an "else" must be "statementNONL" because no further newline is expected, but even then it isn't quite right if expr1: stat1 else if cond2: stat2 scans as: if expr1 : IN stat1 NL OUT IN else if cond2 : IN stat2 NL OUT NL OUT NL whereas if expr1 : stat1 else if cond2: stat2 scans as: if expr1 : IN stat1 NL OUT IN else if cond2 : stat2 NL OUT NL In both cases there are more NLs than things that need to be ended. We always was a NL for the starting 'if', and in the first case we need a NL for 'stat2'. I wonder what that means. Separately if cond block else block NL because the state before 'else' is startsline the NEWLINE cannot be shifted. That seems to mean the NEWLINE must be in the production that starts the line, so "CasePartNL" etc cannot be used..... Bingo(??) I change each statement type to be a FooNL, or list thereof, with FooNL -> stuff and nonsense NEWLINE | FooNL NEWLINE But what about that extra NL .... which now seems not to be a problem Ah-ha. The second (of 3) is ignored because it is indented. All good (for now). 06feb2021 The longest multi-line thing is For Then While Do Case... Else Each can be on a new line, or on previous line. How can Case be handled? I guess they all need to be the same. What about if cond1: stat1 else if cond2: stat2 else if cond3.... ??? That looks awkward. Can I have For -> ForPart | For NEWLINE ?? I should test and see. ... I don't think so. At least not without more smarts for newline handling. So back to For Then While Do Case... Else NEWLINE Other forms are ForNL Then While Do Case... Else ForNL ThenNL While Do Case... Else ForNL ThenNL WhileNL Do Case... Else For Then While Do Case... Else For Then While Do Case... Else For Then While Do Case... Else For Then While Do Case... Else more than 64 combinations.... First line is one of: For For Then For Then While For Then While Do For Then While Do Case For Then While Do Case Else Then Then.. 5 options then 3, 2, 1 Maybe only 21 parts Cases should be easy. A list of caselines, each as list of case parts. Followed by an elseline which has zero or more caseparts and an elsepart. I think I need to change how NEWLINE is handled, do minprefix differently. It is used to ignore stuff when deciding which startsline starts can prevent a newline from shifting. Review exactly what is wanted there. What exactly do I do with newlines? - If a production contains a literal NEWLINE, the head is marked line-like - forbid shifting NEWLINE when recent starts_line state is not at actual start of line... but ignore intermediate states based on min_prefix - record where lines actually start - ignore if indent since starts-line state and that is all. Note that any state where an item starts with a line-like symbol is a starts-line state. Any state that can reduce to a line-like symbol requires indents to be balanced. starts_line states only affect ignoring newlines and choosing when to allow shift, as described above. Thoughts: I could extend 'line-like' to any production containing a symbol that starts with NEWLINE. The Newlines would work. Rather than 'min_prefix' I could store "since-newline-or-start' so that multiple newlines in a production would make sense, 10feb2021 New thoughts. I wonder if they will work. Change the scanner to produce paired SOL and EOL tokens, where EOL is much link NEWLINE currently and is delayed by paired IN/OUT. Also skip blank line, so only get a SOL if there is text on the line. Now a production needs to be explicit about being at the start of a line. Maybe we can even do OptNL -> | EOL SOL So: statement -> SOL SimpleStatements EOL | SOL CondStatement EOL If the grammar requires an EOL followed by an EOL, there must be an implied OUT. in "if cond block else" how do we know when the "block" is finished so that the "else" can be shifted? The expansion of 'block' will (possibly) end with a EOL. For "else" to follow EOL without a SOL, there must be an OUT. 12feb2021 I need to clarify how the scanner must work for SOL/EOL so that I can write code that works. SOL needs to be generated when we see a non-space character on a new line. This is the same time that we need to possibly generate IN, which is in check_indent. So at start of line we scan for non-space, then unget and set check_indent. In check_indent we assume start-of-line and generate SOL after any IN. EOL needs to be generated after we see a NEWLINE (or maybe EOF) on a non-empty line. It may be delayed until after indents, so we need to store it. We delay it until after multiple blank lines, so we always need to store it. So ->indent_eol[->indent_level] is a delayed EOL, if ->num is not TK_error. I think we need a flag for 'at start of line' which means the line seen so far is empty. So much like my "non_empty" OK - much easier to get it right once I've thought it through :-)